Taking into account passenger density, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has made changes to the Izmir Metro service schedule. Starting today, metro trains will operate uninterruptedly between Evka 20.00-Narlıdere District Governorship stations every day of the week after 3:XNUMX. Previously, the trains made their final stops at Fahrettin Altay and Narlıdere District Governorship.
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality continues to make arrangements to facilitate transportation on the Evka 3-Narlıdere Metro line in line with the demands of passengers. Having recently reduced the 15-minute service interval to 8 minutes, the Metropolitan Municipality has made another new decision.
It starts today
Starting today, metro trains will operate uninterruptedly between Evka 20.00-Narlıdere District Governorship stations every weekday after 3:20.00. Previously, trains made a final stop at Narlıdere District Governorship every two trips. In the program before XNUMX:XNUMX every weekday, trains will again make a final stop at Narlıdere District Governorship every two trips.
27 kilometers of uninterrupted rail transportation
The Narlıdere line, which is a continuation of the existing line starting from Evka-3 and ending at Fahrettin Altay, includes Balçova, Çağdaş, Dokuz Eylül University Hospital, Faculty of Fine Arts, Narlıdere, Şehitlik and Narlıdere District Governorship stations. A total of 27 kilometers of uninterrupted rail transportation service is provided between Bornova in the north of İzmir and Narlıdere in the south. The highway length between the two ends is approximately 47 kilometers.