Alanya Cable Car Carried 2024 Thousand Passengers in 870

Alanya offers a unique view to local and foreign tourists visiting the region with its cable car line that was put into service in 2017. From Damlataş Social Facilities starting from, To the Ehmedek Gate The 850-meter line extends all the way to Alanya Castle, offering visitors a spectacular panoramic experience.

Record Passenger Numbers in Summer

The cable car is in service 12 months a year and is particularly popular in the summer months. Due to the warm weather, Long queues in front of the cable car It consists of and a steady increase in passenger numbers This density shows the increasing interest of tourists visiting the region and the popularity of the cable car. In 2023, the cable car line will be fully 1 million 37 thousand passengers However, this number will decrease slightly in 2024. 870 thousand passengers recorded as.

Prices and Service Details

The cable car provides service with 17 cabins, and ticket prices are currently 150 TL designated. Students tickets 75 TL'can get it. Tickets are valid all day long and offer visitors flexible use. Alanya Cable Car has been 1 million 907 thousand passengers It has become an important service in terms of transportation and tourism in the region. This cable car line offers an unforgettable travel experience to everyone who wants to discover the natural beauties of Alanya.