Pufferfish and Exotic Species in the Aegean Sea
In recent years, sudden changes in sea water temperatures observed in the Aegean Sea, fish populations It creates significant effects on the Puffer Fish, Pork Fish, Lion Fish There is a decrease in the number of exotic species such as. Experts state that this situation can harm the marine ecosystem.
Effects of Decreasing Sea Water Temperature
Dr. Lecturer Erhan Irmak states that as the sea water temperature in the Aegean Sea dropped from 28-29 degrees to 15 degrees, exotic species began to leave their habitats. Fish migration, is directly related to the sea water temperature; as cold-blooded creatures, they are sensitive to temperature changes in the environment. Therefore, in the cooler waters of the Aegean Sea, the presence of exotic species from warm seas decreases.
The Distribution of Exotic Species and the Role of Pollution
The Suez Canal, which is connected to the Red Sea, has a critical position in terms of the passage of new species. This situation causes Turkey to be one of the countries most affected by exotic fish species. High sea water temperature in the Mediterranean, exotic fish species causes them to be found more. Dr. Irmak emphasizes that especially Puffer and Lionfish maintain their relevance in the Mediterranean.
Pollution Problems in Izmir Bay
The pollution problems experienced in the Gulf of Izmir are another important factor that causes fish to migrate. Dr. Irmak states that pollution causes the fast-swimming fish in the region to abandon their habitats. Pollution increases the temperature of the sea water and reduces oxygen levels. This situation, especially Bayraklı and caused massive fish deaths in the Turan regions.
Precautions to be taken to protect the marine ecosystem
Various measures need to be taken to protect the health of the marine ecosystem. First, effective methods should be developed to prevent marine pollution. Population density on the coasts It is important to reduce seawater temperature, balance seawater temperature and increase oxygen levels. It is also important for the protection of fish species in the region. sustainable fishing practices should be encouraged.
Exotic Species and Eco-Balance
The impacts of exotic species on the local ecosystem should be carefully monitored. These species have the potential to disrupt the ecosystem balance by competing with native fish species. Controlling exotic speciesis of critical importance for the conservation of native species.
As a result
The health of the marine ecosystem depends on a complex balance between human activities and natural factors. Temperature changes and pollution in the Aegean Sea affect the migration routes of fish, leading to a decrease in the number of exotic species. Therefore, it is essential to adopt an integrated approach to the protection of marine resources. Raising public awareness for the protection of fish and the marine ecosystem is a critical step to create a healthy marine environment in the future.