Hashimoto's Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Methods
Hashimoto's disease is a disease that develops as a result of the immune system attacking the thyroid gland and is more common in women. is an autoimmune disease. This disorder causes inflammation of the thyroid gland, which negatively affects hormone production. As a result, many physical and psychological problems can occur. In this article, we will examine the symptoms, causes and treatment methods of Hashimoto's disease in detail.
What is Hashimoto's Disease?
Hashimoto is a disease known as “Hashimoto thyroiditis”. The immune system mistakenly perceives the thyroid gland as a foreign substance and attacks it. Over time, this can cause damage to the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid hormone production). Hypothyroidism slows down the body's metabolism, causing various health problems.
Causes of Hashimoto's Disease
Although the exact causes of Hashimoto's disease are not fully known, certain factors play a role in the development of this disease:
- Genetic predisposition: Having family members with Hashimoto's disease may increase the likelihood of developing the disease.
- Immune System Problems: Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system attacks its own cells. Hashimoto's is one example.
- Hormonal Disorders: Hormonal changes, especially in women, can trigger the disease; the risk increases after pregnancy and during menopause.
- Environmental Factors: Factors such as excessive iodine intake, some viruses, smoking and stress may also be effective in the development of the disease.
Symptoms of Hashimoto's Disease
Hashimoto's disease may start with mild symptoms at first. However, these symptoms may become more severe over time. The most common symptoms are:
- Tiredness: Not having enough thyroid hormone in the body can lead to a constant feeling of fatigue.
- Weight Gain: Patients often gain weight due to the slowing down of metabolism.
- Sensitivity to Cold: Decreased thyroid hormones disrupt the body's heat balance and increase sensitivity to cold weather.
- Skin Dryness: Problems such as dryness, itching and rash may occur on the skin.
- Constipation: As metabolism slows down, the digestive system is also affected and constipation problems may occur.
- Pain in Muscles and Joints: Muscle weakness and joint pain are other symptoms of the disease.
- Depression and Anxiety: Hypothyroidism can cause mood swings and trigger psychological problems such as depression.
Treatment Methods for Hashimoto's Disease
Hashimoto's disease is usually treated with thyroid hormone therapy. This treatment is used to ensure adequate levels of thyroid hormone in the body. synthetic thyroid hormone (levothyroxine) use. Some methods to be considered during the treatment process are:
- Thyroid Hormone Treatment: Levothyroxine replaces the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. This treatment is usually lifelong and hormone levels must be monitored regularly.
- Regular Follow-up: Hashimoto's disease is treatable, but thyroid function must be monitored regularly to prevent progression of the disease. Doctors recommend regular blood tests to ensure that thyroid hormone levels are at the correct levels.
- Adequate Iodine Intake: Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland to function properly, but excessive iodine intake should be avoided.
- Immune System Strengthening: Autoimmune diseases are related to the immune system, so a balanced diet and lifestyle changes are important to support a healthy immune system.
In conclusion, Hashimoto's disease is a health problem that needs to be taken seriously. Being aware of its symptoms and getting timely treatment will significantly improve the quality of life. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, do not neglect to consult a health care professional.