First Step for Floating Solar Power Plant Projects in Turkey

Turkey, an important step in the field of renewable energy by throwing floating solar power plants A new law amendment was passed that allowed the establishment of Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 11 May 2024, was an important turning point in Turkey's path to diversify its energy resources and achieve sustainable development goals. In this context, Floating Solar Energy Investors and Industrialists Association (YÜZERGES) The workshop organized by was held to accelerate the legislative work and determine a road map for new regulations.

Law Change: Floating Solar Power Plant Era Begins in Turkey

Türkiye, in parallel with global developments in the renewable energy sector, floating solar power plants (YüzerGES) created the necessary legal infrastructure for. Change of lawBy allowing the establishment of solar power plants on water resources, it aims to increase both the efficient use of water resources and energy production.

With this regulation:

  • For solar power plants that can be integrated into lakes, dams and other water surfaces preparation of regulations necessity arose.
  • Environmental impacts, permitting processes and technological requirements It has become necessary to make new regulations on many issues such as.

Floating Solar Energy Workshop: Strategic Meeting in Istanbul

YÜZERGES Association, in Istanbul to contribute to the sectoral cooperation and regulation process, At the Hekimbashi Hunting Lodge organized a workshop with broad participation. Many experts from public, private sector and academia, creation of new regulations and development of existing legislation came together for.

Workshop Highlights

During the workshop, four main topics were discussed:

  1. Floating Solar Power Plant Technology:
    • New generation floating platforms and energy production capacities were discussed.
    • Suitable for Turkey's climate conditions domestic production technologies ways of development were discussed.
  2. Environmental Effects:
    • The effects of floating solar power plants projects on the water ecosystem were evaluated.
    • Potential impacts on biodiversity and measures were analyzed in detail.
  3. Permit and Legislation Processes:
    • Necessary regulations have been determined to accelerate project application processes.
    • Environmental impact assessment (EIA) processes making it practical and transparent was emphasized that it is necessary.
  4. Financing and Incentives:
    • For Floating Solar Power Plant projects Incentive models that will increase the interest of local and foreign investors was discussed.
    • The impact of financial support mechanisms on growth in the sector was discussed.

Opening Speech: Prof. Dr. Lütfi Akça

YÜZERGES Association Founding President Prof. Dr. Lütfi Akça, in his speech at the opening of the workshop, With the change in the law, a new era has begun for floating solar power plants. Akça said the following:

  • “Regulation work continues rapidly.”
  • “Floating solar power plants projects will not only produce energy but also contribute to the protection of water resources by reducing evaporation from the water surface.”

Advantages of Floating Solar Power Plants

Floating solar power plants projects have many advantages that are not limited to energy production:

  1. Energy and Water Management:
    • Panels installed on the water surface help protect water resources by reducing evaporation.
    • With renewable energy production fossil fuel dependency decreases.
  2. Land Savings:
    • Unlike traditional solar power plants, Floating Solar Power Plants projects do not require land.
    • Protection of agricultural lands and positive effects on urban planning It provides.
  3. Environmental Benefit:
    • By reducing carbon emissions offers an environmentally friendly energy solution.
    • It supports aquatic life by reducing water surface temperatures.
  4. Investor Attractiveness:
    • By increasing Turkey's renewable energy potential attracts the attention of international investors.

 Future Perspectives

Turkey has made an important move towards taking its renewable energy targets one step further with the YüzerGES projects. These projects attract attention with both their environmental and economic benefits. The workshop organized by YÜZERGES has enabled the acceleration of new legislation studies and the opportunity for stakeholders in the sector to come together and produce common solutions.

The contribution of floating solar power plants to the energy transformation in Turkey will become more evident in the coming years.

As one of Turkey's innovative energy projects, YüzerGES plays an important role for a sustainable future.