Recognizing and appreciating employees’ achievements stands out as one of the most effective methods for increasing motivation in the workplace. However, many companies overlook this important element. At this point, digital recognition and reward systems come into play and offer an innovative solution that strengthens employee loyalty in the business world.
Interlink General Manager Can Taşçıoğlu draws attention to the importance of systems that enable employees to appreciate each other and says: “Appreciation does not have to be directed only from the manager to the employees. Creating a success network among employees increases both individual motivation and team spirit.”
Not Only Material, But Also Spiritual Encouragement Is Important
Stating that it is not enough for companies to limit their reward systems to just raises and bonuses, Taşcıoğlu emphasizes that employee happiness can be increased with software-based solutions. For example, he states that systems where employees can earn rewards by collecting points both provide motivation and increase loyalty to the company.
Positive Culture with Gossip of Success
The appreciation practices offered by Interlink aim to create a positive work culture in companies. The name “Gossip of Success” given to one of these systems ensures that success stories are shared among employees with a striking approach. Taşcıoğlu says, “With this system, successes spread among employees and become a source of inspiration. This is how the foundation of a positive atmosphere is laid.”
Data-Based Success Analysis
Interlink can analyze the success rate of reward programs in advance with the data-driven simulation software it has developed. Taşcıoğlu says, “We conduct detailed analyses that measure the success rate for brands. In this way, we only recommend projects that we predict will be effective,” and expresses that they plan the path to success with data.
Improving Employee Experience is in the Hands of Companies
Making recommendations to companies that want to increase employee loyalty, Taşcıoğlu states that such digital solutions are suitable for companies of all sizes: “Creating an environment where employees feel valued increases not only business success but also company loyalty.”
Digital recognition and reward systems not only increase employee loyalty in the business world; they also offer companies the opportunity to build a positive culture.