Can Children Play Outside in Turkey?

Children Playing Outside and Physical Activity

Nowadays, obesity has become a widespread problem among children who do not have enough physical activity. Especially in Turkey, one in every ten children is at risk of obesity. This situation is being taken seriously by both international organizations and scientists. It is extremely important for children to play outside for them to live a healthy life.

The Importance of Physical Activity

Physical activity plays a critical role in children’s physical and mental development. The World Health Organization recommends that children ages 1-5 engage in at least three hours of physical activity per day, and children ages 5-17 engage in at least one hour of physical activity per day. Adequate physical activity protects children’s heart health, preventing obesity, high blood pressure, and other health problems.

Children's Right to Play

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees children's right to play. However, in Turkey, this right is restricted for various reasons. Factors such as the lack of outdoor play areas for children and the lack of green spaces and their poor quality make this situation even more difficult.

Access to Green Areas

The amount of green space per person in Turkey was measured as 2024 square meters on average in 12,63. However, this amount varies greatly from city to city and district to district. For example; In Istanbul, this figure is 7,7 square meters. Increasing green areas is vital for the healthy growth of children.

Effects of Urbanization

Rapid urbanization is one of the main factors that restricts children from playing outside. Experts state that cities are generally designed according to the needs of adults and this situation negatively affects children's playgrounds. The quality, safety and accessibility of playgrounds are factors that directly affect children's ability to play outside.

Quality and Diversity of Parks

Today, most of the playgrounds in Turkey have similar designs. Traditional play equipment such as tower slides, swings and seesaws limit children's creativity and desire to explore. The diversity of parks helps children develop their physical and social skills by providing them with different experiences.

The Role of Families

Families have some concerns about their children playing outside. Situations such as children getting dirty, wet or cold can disturb parents. At this point, families need to explain the importance of playing outside to their children and raise awareness on this issue. Time spent outdoors helps children develop independence and social skills.

Play and Socialize

Children socialize while playing outside, learning important interactions such as competition, conflict, taking turns, and bargaining. Research shows that children who attend preschool programs that focus on play are more social and have the skills to cope with social problems. Therefore, it is of great importance to increase the number of safe and qualified areas where children can play.

The Importance of Contact with Nature

Children’s contact with nature develops their sense of belonging to nature, while also reducing the risk of harming nature in the future. Time spent in nature contributes to children’s mental and physical development, and helps their memory centers grow more easily. Therefore, children should be encouraged to play outside and interact with nature.


Children playing outside is essential for healthy development. Increasing the quality of playgrounds, raising awareness among families and making cities child-friendly are important steps to be taken in this regard. It should not be forgotten that providing a healthy future for our children begins with creating safe spaces where they can play.