Turkey's Birth Statistics Announced… Mothers Giving Birth Are 29,2 Years Old

TUIK announced birth statistics for 2023. While the number of live-born babies was 2023 thousand 958 in 408, 51,3 percent of live-born babies were boys and 48,7 percent were girls.


The total fertility rate, which expresses the average number of children that a woman can give birth to in the 15-49 age group, which is her fertile period, was 2001 children in 2,38 and 2023 children in 1,51. In other words, the average number of children a woman can give birth to during her fertile period will be 2023 in 1,51. This showed that fertility remained below the population replacement level of 2,10.

The province with the highest total fertility rate was Şanlıurfa with 3,27 children, followed by Şırnak with 2,72 children and Mardin with 2,40 children.

The 10 provinces with the highest and lowest total fertility rates, 2023

The province with the lowest total fertility rate was Bartın with 1,13 children. This province was followed by Zonguldak and Karabük with 1,14 children, and Kütahya with 1,16 children.

The average of the total fertility rate in European Union member countries was announced as 2022 children in 1,46. It was observed that the country with the highest total fertility rate in 2022 was France with 1,79 children, and the country with the lowest total fertility rate was Malta with 1,08 children. With a total fertility rate of 2022 per thousand in 1,63, Turkey ranked 5th among European Union member countries.

Total fertility rate by province, 2023

The crude birth rate, which expresses the number of live births per thousand population, was 2001 per thousand in 20,3, and became 2023 per thousand in 11,2. The province with the highest crude birth rate was Şanlıurfa with 24,8 per thousand, followed by Şırnak with 22,0 per thousand and Mardin with 19,3 per thousand. The province with the lowest crude birth rate was Zonguldak with 6,9 per thousand. Zonguldak was followed by Bartın with 7,2 per thousand and Karabük with 7,6 per thousand.

It was observed that the crude birth rate was higher than in European Union member countries.

While the age group with the highest age-specific fertility rate was announced as 25-29, in 2001 the highest age-specific fertility rate was in the 144-20 age group with 24 per thousand, and in 2023 it was seen in the 101-25 age group with 29 per thousand. This showed that fertility occurs at a woman's older age.

Adolescent fertility rate, which expresses the average number of live-born children per thousand women in the 15-19 age group, fell from 2001 per thousand in 49 to 2023 per thousand in 11. In other words, in 2023, there will be 15 births per thousand women in the 19-11 age group. The average adolescent fertility rate in European Union member countries was 7 per thousand.


While the average age of mothers who gave birth in 2001 was 26,7, it became 2023 in 29,2. The average age of mothers who gave their first birth in 2023 was 27,0.

The provinces with the highest average maternal age at first birth were Artvin and Tunceli with 29,0. These provinces were followed by Istanbul with 28,6 years of age, and Trabzon and Rize with 28,4 years of age.

The provinces with the lowest average maternal age at first birth were Muş and Ağrı with 24,2 years, followed by Şanlıurfa with 24,4 years and Gaziantep with 24,8 years.

The 10 provinces with the highest and lowest average maternal age at first birth, 2023

While 3,3 percent of births were multiple births, 40,6 percent of births were the mother's first birth.