Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Prof. Dr. A new one has been added to Yılmaz Büyükerşen's projects that prioritize rural development in agriculture and animal husbandry.
Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Hasan Ünal, Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General M. Recai Erdir, Tepebaşı Mayor Ahmet Ataç, CHP Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Candidate Atty. attended the machine delivery ceremony held in İnönü. Ayşe Ünlüce, CHP Provincial Chairman Talat Yalaz, CHP İnönü Mayor Candidate Balkan Aktaş, municipal bureaucrats, headmen, farmers and animal breeders attended.
Speaking at the ceremony, Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Hasan Ünal said, “As Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality, we have been trying to support rural agriculture and animal husbandry to the extent of our resources for many years to return to their old days. Following the livestock support we provided within the scope of popularizing buffalo breeding in İnönü, we are now here to provide new support that will provide great convenience to our producers. As the Metropolitan Municipality, we are launching the Milking Machine Support project in order to protect both the quality and hygiene of the products produced from buffalo milk. Within the scope of the project, we are giving one milking machine to each of our 12 buffalo producers, 41 of whom are women. May it be good and auspicious to our producers. I think that this project will make a great contribution to İnönü's branding with products produced from buffalo milk, and I wish our producers fruitful profits. We are always with our farmers and animal breeders who earn their bread with their labor and sweat. Good luck again." said.
After the speeches, Deputy Mayor Hasan Ünal received the plaque of appreciation given by the Eskişehir Buffalo Breeders Association for the support provided to the producers, on behalf of the Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Yılmaz Büyükerşen.
The ceremony was completed with the delivery of the machines to the manufacturers and the photo taken.