Who is Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, the new Minister of Family and Social Services, how old is he and where is he from?

Who is Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, Minister of Family and Social Services, How old is he and where is he from?
Who is Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, Minister of Family and Social Services, How old is he and where is he from?

Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş became the Minister of Family and Social Services in the new cabinet announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Information about Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş's life and education has become one of the most sought after topics on the internet.

After the new cabinet was announced, the question of who is Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş entered the most wanted list on the internet. Göktaş was born in Brussels in 1982. Having completed his undergraduate and graduate education at the University of Libre de Bruxelles Faculty of Economics, Political and Social Sciences, Göktaş was elected to the Brussels Parliament in 2009 as Europe's first headscarf-wearing deputy.

Göktaş, who served as the Deputy Chairman of the Social Services Committee of the Brussels Parliament and the Deputy Chairman of the Equal Opportunity Commission for Women and Men until 2019, has worked both in the Brussels parliament and in non-governmental organizations on women's employment, women's entrepreneurship, violence against women and equality of opportunity.

Taking an active role in the fight against discrimination and Islamophobia, Göktaş was expelled from his party in 2015 on the grounds that he did not recognize the Armenian allegations regarding the 1915 events and continued his duty as an independent deputy.

Göktaş, who was awarded the King Leopold State Order in 2019 for his work in Belgium, was appointed as the Republic of Turkey Ambassador to Algeria in 2020.

Göktaş, who has been a member of the Women's Advisory Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation since 2019, speaks French, English and Dutch. Göktaş is married and has two children.