Sedentary Life and Weight Can Cause Low Back Pain

Sedentary Life and Weight Can Cause Low Back Pain
Sedentary Life and Weight Can Cause Low Back Pain

Anadolu Medical Center Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Chiropractor Prof. Dr. Semih Akı listed sedentary lifestyle and weight gain as the most important causes of low back pain.

Anadolu Medical Center Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Chiropractor Prof., stated that it affects the quality of life negatively by restricting movement and that a large part of the society is exposed to low back pain at least once in their lives. Dr. Semih Akı said, “The most important causes of low back pain are sedentary lifestyle and weight gain. The sedentary lifestyle and weight, which weaken the waist and back muscles, cause an increase in the load on the waist area. It is easier to prevent back and neck pain than to treat it.

Anadolu Health Center Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Chiropractor Prof. Dr. Semih Akı, “Most of the low back pain attacks are temporary and usually do not cause permanent disability. 7-10 percent of pain may become chronic after 6 months. Medication, corset use, injections, chiropractic treatment methods and surgical methods can be applied in chronic low back and back pain. 75 percent of people can be protected from low back pain by participating in training programs.

Stating that 50 percent of the patients with low back pain were relieved in a week, 90 percent in 8 weeks, and 3 percent in more than 1 month, Prof. Dr. Semih Akı, emphasizing that prevention of low back and neck pain is much easier than treatment, listed the suggestions to prevent low back pain as follows:

“Before you lift an item, try to estimate how heavy it is. Get off the ground by bending your knees and squatting, do not bend at the waist.

When buying an item, do not reach towards it, but get close to it.

When hanging laundry, the waist should not be stretched by reaching upwards, the level of the rope should be adjusted to the appropriate length.

If you have to carry weights, distribute the load equally on both hands. Do not lift heavy load higher than waist.

When getting out of bed, first turn on your side, then bend your legs while getting support from the sides, and get up into a sitting position. To go to bed, follow these steps in reverse and lie on the bed.

Avoid lying flat on your face and back as much as possible. It is convenient to lie in the womb, pulling from your hips and knees and gathering your legs.

Be sure to be in an upright position while sitting and make it a habit.

In the correct sitting position, your knee joints should be higher than the hip joints, and the soles of your feet should touch the ground completely.

Change positions from time to time while sitting. The same sitting position should not be continued for more than 30-40 minutes.

When you get up from the chair, one foot should be in front of the other, and your back should be in a straight position as you push yourself up with the help of your leg muscles and arms.

The desk-chair-computer relationship in the office should always be in accordance with the recommended dimensions.

If you need to stand for a while outside or in a closed place, place an object 15-20 cm high under one foot and raise it slightly. After a while, put your other foot.

While standing, do not pick anything off the ground by bending your waist to the right or left. If you must turn, turn with your feet, not with your waist.

If you need to tie your shoes or do something similar, do it by crouching or stepping on a high object.

While driving, adjust your seat so that it is slightly above your knees and hips. “