Taiwanese earns $2 in 30.000 days from ChatGPT and explains how to share his operations skills

A Taiwanese person earns dollars a day from ChatGPT and explains how to share his operational skills
A Taiwanese person earns dollars a day from ChatGPT and explains how to share his operational skills

Lately, sohbet Robot ChatGPT has become popular all over the world, and many companies and teams are starting to make it their right-hand man at work. Taiwan ……. Company's editor-in-chief Jemmy revealed that he called ChatGPT to write a sales page, and the result was published only 2 days ago and earned more than 210.000 yuan (about $30.000). earn money, yet with ChatGPT sohbet don't."

Jemmy said that the newly created sales page took less than 48 hours to set up the site from the idea and publish its profits. First, he used the “Google Site” application, which was able to create a website for free by applying to G. -mail. , then asked ChatGPT4 to write the finished sales page, and within 2 days of publication, over 210.000 were packed. “I think this illustrates the importance of efficiency and the gist of the saying 'copywriting output is key'. ”

He also revealed that he uses 4 operating methods while making money with GPT9, “This is something with him. sohbet or Q&A, they are real skills to get results through GPT4 when leading a team and managing a company.”

1. If you want to earn money with ChatGPT sohbet don't

Although it is a chatbot, our goal is to monetize GPT4. Sohbet As for its function, please don't say "haha hi, tell a joke" or "sing a rap" to it.

2. Don't just write a sentence

AI experts pointed out that if you enter the prompt and see the results returned by GPT4 are bad, it means that most of what you input is also bad. If you want a good printout, you shouldn't send it with a single sentence like "help me write a sales page that will sell well", such a one-sentence general instruction, maybe the answer it gives seems rich. looks good, but if the initial input information is too different, it won't help you generate effective income.

Ideal prompts for feeding GPT4:

Play as a senior copywriter who is good at writing “popular Facebook ads”. It must be produced in fluent traditional Chinese, have a word count of more than 500 words, and list several Facebook ad offers based on the content of the service I provide. The service I want to sell is XXX, its advantages include OOO and the service fee…etc.

3. Specify “role” and turn on “expert mode”

Prompt used above, the first sentence was written as “to act as an XXX”. Using this trick, GPT4 will know what the next output will be.

Now a daily sohbet will use the large-scale language model and the knowledge base for “copywriting professionals” to create the next response without mode.

The essence of the matter lies in “role setting”. As long as you master this trick, you can use ChatGPT to open different "expert modes" without having to memorize a particularly powerful prompt.

4. ChatGPT is a great helper, but not your proxy

“Assistant” is one of the three pre-set roles when ChatGPT officially leaves the factory, and is also his specialty. Its default task is to “help” users increase productivity, but not “replace” the tasks you need to perform.

Jemmy honestly said he's seen a lot of failed GPT4 copywriting; most of them are operators that let GPT4 do things instead of themselves when entering the prompts, but ignore their true-valued identity, a super-assistant that "opens the plugin". ” .

5. Call ChatGPT “List Plan”

When running GPT4, you have to be like its boss, not like an employee of GPT4 for maximum effect.

You can tell him, “The second plan above is fine, list more different copywriting in this aspect for my reference.” When you see the GPT4 recommendation and think it's too common, try asking him to come up with 10 different sales page templates. .

6. Let ChatGPT “inspect” your copy

The underlying technology behind GPT4 is a large-scale language model. It can perform very well as it has extremely high language analysis capabilities and we should make good use of it.

Jemmy mentioned that every paragraph of the sales page copy written by GPT4 was dumped into GPT4 and asked him to help with the review and analysis, “The prompt I used was: Act now as a professional sales page analyst, Provide recommendations based on real results. copy, list ideas for improvement, and point out what went well. After that I will provide the sales page paragraphs and you will give feedback one by one after you get it.

It took a “review and analysis experience” in just a few seconds:

This landing page introduces the experts behind the service, adds credibility and builds trust with potential customers. This landing page lists Jemmy's credentials as company founder, chief optimizer, marketing consultant, and columnist, and establishes his status in the field Competent and professional, this section highlights the benefits of the service, such as saving on advertising costs and focusing on business activities. These benefits are addressed to common problems of potential customers.

Jemmy bluntly said, “The important element that wasn't in my copywriting and wasn't thought through when I created it, correctly pointed to the 'sense of urgency'. Later, I incorporated time-sensitive elements into copywriting and I got a lot more clients. answer."

7. Manual review, never save

So, if you are lazy and ignore the output results and copy them for direct use, unforeseen accidents like incorrect terms can happen. serious problems such as misplacement of important data and even plagiarism and copyright infringement. with GPT4 sohbet It's okay to share information about it, but you should be careful when facing commercial use.

8. You must have basic copywriting knowledge to use ChatGPT.

The essence of GPT4 is a "language model". The user's interaction and responses are mainly written in text, so the user must have at least basic "text skills".

“What is the basic cognition of copywriting?” In this context, they should at least know what the “title” is, divide the text sentences into paragraphs, use punctuation marks appropriately, etc.

9. Install ChatGPT's well-known plugin “AIPRM”

“AIPRM” is a GPT4-specific add-on program that can be installed in the Google Chrome browser. It has a powerful prompt storage function and can save the most effective GPT4-specific prompts to use as hotkeys and print one-click.

Also if there is a super useful template you can also leave a message on it to comment, rate and rate.