How is Constipation Passed in Ramadan? What to Do to Relieve Constipation While Fasting?

How to Treat Constipation During Ramadan What to Do to Relieve Constipation While Fasting
How to Treat Constipation During Ramadan What to Do to Relieve Constipation While Fasting

What to do and what not to do to relieve constipation while fasting? During the month of Ramadan, iftar should be opened with a glass of warm water and dates or olives, followed by soup. After breaking the fast and taking a break for about 20 minutes after soup consumption, the main meal should be started. Preferring mainly vegetable-based main dishes during the month of Ramadan will minimize stomach and digestive problems that may be experienced in the following days. While eating, foods should be consumed slowly and in small bites. At least 1-2 hours after consuming the main meal, desserts such as fruit, gullaç and compote or milk desserts should be consumed as only 1 portion.

Since fluid intake will decrease in Ramadan, it is necessary to support fluid intake by drinking water, soda, green-black tea and other herbal teas after iftar. In sahur; Consuming protein-rich foods such as yoghurt, milk, cheese and eggs and whole wheat or rye bread will further prolong the rate and duration of satiety the next day. In addition, it is useful to stay away from carbohydrate foods that are widely consumed during Ramadan but trigger the feeling of hunger after being eaten. Foods containing carbohydrates cause blood sugar to rise and fall rapidly. The vast majority of fasting people face the problem of constipation during Ramadan. Insufficient fluid intake, change in feeding times and excessive inactivity in this process cause the metabolism to slow down.

In order to prevent constipation in this month, fibrous foods such as fruits, vegetables, dried fruits and legumes, bulgur and nuts should be consumed in iftar and sahur. Even if you can't move during the day, walking for 45 minutes or doing light exercises after iftar and taking plenty of fluids between meals, and those who have constipation problems, especially after meals, consuming 3-4 dried apricots and prunes or their compote will prevent constipation.

In order to reduce the loss of fluid in the body due to Ramadan, plenty of fluids should be consumed. In addition, low blood pressure and fatigue may occur due to insufficient fluid intake. For this reason, it is very important to take at least 3 liters of fluid daily during the month of Ramadan.