What is 14 March Pi Day? Why is March 14 Pi Day Celebrated?

What is March Pi Day Why is March Pi Day Celebrated
What is Pi Day on March 14 Why is Pi Day Celebrated on March 14

Pi Day, which is celebrated every year on March 14 in memory of the famous mathematical constant pi, has not been forgotten this year either. The day, which is almost a holiday for mathematicians, is celebrated with various activities in various places. So, what is Pi Day and when is it celebrated? Here is the history of World Pi Day

Pi Day is considered to commemorate the famous mathematical constant π and is celebrated every year on 14 March at 1.59:3.14 pm. This is because in the American date format, 1.59 is XNUMX today, reminding us of the most common use of the number pi.

PI number

The most common approximation for pi is 3,14. Its actual value continues as 3,141592653589793238462643383…. It has a great importance in sciences such as mathematics, geometry and physics, especially in the calculation of the circumference and area of ​​the circle.

14 March Pi Day Date

The first known formal or large-scale celebration of Pi Day was held by Larry Shaw and other staff in 1988 at the San Francisco Exploratorium, where Shaw worked as a physicist.

On March 12, 2009, the US House of Representatives declared March 14, 2009 as National Pi Day.

Google for Pi Day 2010, “Google” sözcüHe shaped his work with drawings containing circles and the pi symbol and published it on his home page.