What is Gestational Diabetes? Does Gestational Diabetes Endanger the Health of Mother and Baby?

What is Gestational Diabetes? Does Gestational Diabetes Endanger the Health of Mother and Baby?
What is Gestational Diabetes? Does Gestational Diabetes Endanger the Health of Mother and Baby?

From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Memorial Şişli Hospital, Op. Dr. Gürkan Gürsoy gave information about diabetes in pregnancy. Informing that the body cannot produce enough insulin during pregnancy, Gürsoy said, “Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and acts like a key, allowing blood sugar to enter the cells to be used as energy. During pregnancy, the body produces more hormones and goes through other changes such as weight gain. These changes cause cells to use insulin less effectively, this is called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance increases the body's need for insulin. Gestational diabetes occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin during pregnancy. All pregnant women have some level of insulin resistance in late pregnancy. However, some women also have insulin resistance before pregnancy. These people start pregnancy with an increased need for insulin, and therefore the risk of gestational diabetes increases even more.” she spoke.

Excess weight gain can cause gestational diabetes

Kiss. Dr. Gürkan Gürsoy, mentioning that gestational diabetes typically does not show any symptoms, said, “Medical history and the presence of any risk factors may suggest that there may be gestational diabetes, but testing is required to be sure. Some of these risk factors may be excessive weight gain in pregnant women. Drinking a lot of water, urinating too often, detecting glucose in the urine, recurrent urinary tract infections or vaginal infections, nausea or fatigue may indicate gestational diabetes. In order to determine this, a sugar loading test is performed.” said.

"Gestational diabetes can cause birth traumas due to developmental delay in the baby, sometimes an increase in the risk of death in the womb, premature aging of the placenta or a large baby," said Op. Dr. Gürkan Gürsoy said, “Therefore, gestational diabetes should be within the specified limits. The sugar load test is not a harmful test. On the contrary, it is a test that should be done to prevent risks such as large baby, premature birth, stillbirth, respiratory problems or hypoglycemia in the baby to be born, and obesity in the future.” used his statements.

Saying that the sugar loading test, that is, the oral glucose tolerance test, measures the body's response to sugar, Op. Dr. Gürkan Gürsoy continued as follows:

“How the test will be performed is determined according to the medical condition of the pregnant woman. 50 gr. sugar loading can be done regardless of whether the pregnant woman is hungry or full. A solution containing 50 grams of sugar is given to the pregnant woman under the control of a doctor. Blood sugar is measured 1 hour after drinking this. If the sugar is higher than 140, the pregnant is considered suspicious and an additional 100 grams of OGTT is requested accordingly. Fasting should be below 100 mg/dL, 95 mg/dL at the 1st hour, 180 at the 2nd hour, and 155 mg/dL at the 3rd hour in the 140-gram OGTT. . If the 2 values ​​are equal or higher, the diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made. Another glucose screening test, 75 grams of OGTT, is expected to be 92 mg/dL fasting, 1 mg/dL in the 180st hour, and below 2 mg/dL in the 153nd hour. If a value is equal or higher, gestational diabetes is diagnosed. There is no difference between a 75 gram sugar load test or a 100 gram sugar load test. The expectant mother goes to the test with at least 8-12 hours of fasting. First, fasting blood sugar is measured. Afterwards, the solution containing 75 or 100 grams of sugar is left for 5-10 minutes. consumed in Based on this, the sugar value of the expectant mother is checked at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd hours.”

Pointing out that the sugar of the mother-to-be should be at certain intervals, Op. Dr. Gürkan Gürsoy said, “Whether the sugar loading test will be done fasting or not may vary depending on the amount of glucose to be given. If it is made in 50 grams form, it does not matter hunger or fullness, if it is made in 75 or 100 grams form, at least 8-12 hours of fasting is required. If the mother-to-be has high blood sugar during pregnancy, a healthy nutrition program should be established for the expectant mother by measuring blood sugar at regular intervals, taking medication or insulin therapy, and getting support from a nutritionist. It is important to do moderate exercise during this period of pregnancy. Walking is also important during pregnancy. In addition, it is necessary to go to all controls regularly. The aim here is to keep the sugar of the mother-to-be at certain intervals. Lifestyle changes are important in this sense.” he said.