What Is Protein Powder? Is Protein Powder Harmful? What Should Be Considered When Choosing Protein Powder?

He Survived By Drinking Protein Powder So What Is Protein Powder? Is Protein Powder Harmful?
What Is Protein Powder? Is Protein Powder Harmful? What Should Be Considered When Choosing Protein Powder?

It was revealed that Baki Yeninar, one of the two brothers who was pulled out of the rubble alive at the 198th hour of the earthquake in the central Dulkadiroğlu district of Maraş, survived by drinking protein powder.

Baki Yeninar, 9, who was found with his brother Muhammed Enes from the wreckage of Pınar Apartment, which was demolished in Sütçü İmam Mahallesi Salman Zülkadiroğlu Boulevard on the 21th day of the earthquake, said that he was a jeweler, and that he was holding on to life by drinking protein powder in the earthquake debris.

After the event, Protein Powders came up again. So what is this protein powder, famous Trainer and Doctorate Göktuğ Mugan.


Protein is found all over the body; in muscle, bone, skin, hair and almost any body part or tissue. It creates the enzymes that power many chemical reactions and hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in your blood. At least 10.000 different proteins make you who you are and keep you that way.

How much protein do I need? How do you know if you're getting enough protein?

This person's activity level, age, physical condition, disease status, etc. Although it varies based on many factors: The following daily recommendations come from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND):

The average adult needs 0,8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily.

-Sports for Health, Recreational athletes need 1,1 to 1,4 grams of protein per kilogram of their body weight.

-Professional Athletes need 1,2 to 1,4 grams, ultra endurance athletes may need 2,0 grams per kilo.

Athletes building muscle mass need 1,5 to 2,0 grams per kilogram per day.


Protein powders are available as Animal Protein and Vegetable Protein. The most common are Whey, soy and Casein protein. "Whey is the most widely used because it's a water-soluble milk protein," says Peter Horvath, PhD, associate professor of exercise and nutritional sciences at the State University of New York. "It's also a complete protein, so it has all these benefits." (Complete proteins contain all nine amino acids essential for human nutritional needs.


Experts warn people who use protein supplements to be careful. Excess protein is hard on the kidneys and can cause a host of health problems. It can also contribute to dehydration. In order to avoid these risks, he warns that they should pay attention to meeting your protein needs from daily diet foods first.


Choosing Protein Powder

For whey proteins, there is whey isolate and whey concentrate. Whey isolate is a highly filtered form of whey protein and contains less than 1% lactose. It contains less fat, carbohydrates and calories than whey concentrate and contains at least 90% protein. This would be a good option for people who can't tolerate lactose well or who want to maintain muscle while losing fat.

While plant-based protein powders are widely popular with vegan individuals, those who want to consume protein from different sources are also often preferred. They are higher in fiber and lower in fat than animal-derived proteins. Some of these protein powders contain only one type of plant-based protein, such as peas, while others contain a blend.


Look for one that is labeled as third-party certified, as protein powders are considered a supplement and therefore their ingredients are not regulated by the FDA. Finally, it's important that you like and enjoy the taste of protein powder, so make sure you choose something that suits your personal preferences; Check the ingredient list for added ingredients or sweeteners.