Students Get Education in the Daytime at Mehmetçik Schools Watch Movies in the Evening

Students Get Daytime Education at Mehmetcik Schools Watch Movies in the Evening
Students Get Education in the Daytime at Mehmetçik Schools Watch Movies in the Evening

In order to strengthen the psychosocial resilience of the students in the earthquake area and to reduce the effects of negative emotions experienced after the earthquake, the students in Mehmetçik schools receive education during the day and watch movies in the evening by the Ministry of National Education.

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer, in his social media account regarding the Mehmetik schools opened in tent cities and container cities as part of the education and training activities carried out in the earthquake zone, said, “Daytime education for our children, movie time in the evening at our Mehmetçik schools… We are leaving the hard days behind and bandaging our wounds together. ” He shared images of the moments when children watched movies at Mehmetçik school in Hatay.