Serial Killers and their Shocking Murders! Get Ready To Be Afraid!

src x decreased after the number of serial killers, what is the reason?
src x decreased after the number of serial killers, what is the reason?

We have researched for you who are the most popular serial killers in the world and chilling the blood as they speak. You can find all serial killers and the number of murders they have committed in the continuation of our article.

Serial killers are criminals who kill living things with certain frequency and are generally famous for establishing a connection between deaths. Serial killings can easily be sustained for some serial killers without even needing a reason.

Today, we will talk about the chilling stories of serial killers, how they commit murders, and those who wonder about the characteristics of a serial killer. You should review the rest of our article for serial killer murders that do not look for horror movies.

Tsutomu Miyazaki: Also Known As Dracula

Tsutomu Miyazaki is a serial killer with many different nicknames. Also known as the little girl killer. He was called Dracula because he drank the blood of his victims and ate their flesh. You can think of it as sheer brutality.

Miyazaki was especially torturing little girls by trapping them. His biggest entertainment was having sexual intercourse with the corpses of the little girls he had killed. He would hide the dead body parts and then send postcards to the families of the little girls.

In the postcards Miyazaki sent, he was telling how the family killed their child and what they did afterwards. But you don't have to be afraid anymore. He was executed by hanging in 2008. He was 45 when he was executed.

Luis Garavito: Also Known As The Beast

Garavito is a terrifying serial killer known as the monster in the media. He is of Colombian descent. He is thought to have tortured and killed more than 300 children. However, the number of murders detected by him is 147.

Garavito's total prison term is 1.853 years. However, according to Colombian rules, a maximum of 30 years in prison can be served. The worst part is that Garavito was imprisoned in 1999. It is known that it will be released in 2029. It is even expected to come out of situations such as good behavior earlier. It's creepy bullshit.

Alexander Pichushkin: Also Known As Bitsevski Maniac

Alexander Picshushkin, nicknamed himself, is a serial killer who takes pleasure in killing other men who are a Bitsevski maniac. His method of attracting men to his house is to offer them vodka.

After inviting the men to whom he served vodka to his house, he used a hammer to smash their heads and knock them unconscious. What's scarier is that he's sticking a vodka bottle into the slit in their head.

This serial killer has a total of 49 murders. Did you know that he expressed his regret that he wanted to complete his murders to 64 but could not? This was because there were 64 squares on the chessboard.

Charles Cullen: Also known as the Angel of Death

Charles Cullen spent his life as a nurse. However, she was fired from most of the hospitals where she nursed. The reason was his strange behavior. As it was learned later, she had killed 20 patients with non-prescription drugs during her 40-year nursing life.

When asked about this condition, known as poisoning, his answer was very interesting. “I saved my patients from suffering, as an angel would.”

Believing he could have an impact on other people's lives, this man was dubbed the angel of death by the media. It is known that he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

William Bonin: Also Known As The Highway Killer

William Bonin may be the scariest highway killer you've ever seen. It is known that he took young men he saw on the highway in his car, then tortured and raped them.

After the rape, he dumped the bodies of the young men he killed on the highways in California. But you don't have to be afraid about it anymore. Because he was executed by lethal injection in 1996. The known number of murders is 14.

Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer is a well-known serial killer. He killed 17 men, including children, dismembered and ate their bodies. He was caught when a victim caught him after he got rid of him.

In 1992, he was sentenced to life imprisonment 15 times in court. However, he was beaten to death by the prisoners 2 years after he did not live that long.

A well-known fact about Jeffrey Dahmer was that the sandwiches he served to his neighbors in the apartment contained real human meat. It's a shocking and irritating situation.