New Roads Open in Keçiören

New Roads Are Opening in Kecioren
New Roads Open in Keçiören

As part of the road paving works carried out by Keçiören Municipality, construction equipment is working feverishly in Bademlik Mahallesi 1184th Street in the district. It is expected that the road paving work carried out to facilitate transportation to the citizens and to create an alternative route will be completed in a short time.

Keçiören Mayor Turgut Altınok, who said that they have made great investments in transportation and infrastructure since 1994, to make Keçiören a metropolitan city, said, “We continue to weave our Keçiören with its transportation network. We open new roads to the points needed in our developing and expanding district, and offer them to the service of our citizens. As we promised since we took office, we paved our roads, we continued our infrastructure and superstructure works without interruption, we built roads like airports. We turned Keçiören into a modern city with the works we created.” said.