Masdaf Meets with Future Engineers at the 'Water Diary' Event

Masdaf Meets with Future Engineers at the Water Daily Event
Masdaf Meets with Future Engineers at the 'Water Diary' Event

Masdaf hosted the engineers of the future at its Tuzla factory in the “Water Diary” event organized for the effective management of water resources.

Leading the pump industry for half a century with its innovative and efficient pump systems, Masdaf hosted the 22rd and 3th grade students of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University in the "Water Diary" event organized as part of the 4 March World Water Day.

In the organization held in Masdaf Tuzla factory on March 15 with the contributions of ITU Machinery Club; Important information was shared on “effective management of water resources” in many fields from housing to industry, from agriculture to power plants.

After the presentations, the students had the opportunity to see Masdaf pump technologies closely and get information about their working principles in the showroom. Information was given about the production processes of tanks, booster and pump groups.

Masdaf Sales and Marketing Director Barış Geren said, “The negative effects of the global climate crisis on water resources threaten sustainable life.”

“Pump systems that manage water are critical in the efficient use of water resources. As Masdaf, we aim to safely deliver water resources to the future with our innovative pump technologies that we have produced for half a century. At this point, another issue that we care about as much as our R&D activities is social responsibility projects. As a company, we support all kinds of projects that will encourage the efficient use of water resources. We aim to raise awareness about what can be done in this regard.

Students from ITU are in Masdaf

By managing water correctly, 50 percent savings can be achieved.

The “Water Diary” event, which we organized as part of the 22 March World Water Day, is among the projects we have implemented with the vision of social responsibility. In this context; We hosted future engineer candidates in our factory and shared information about the critical role of pump systems in the efficient use of energy and water resources. Because with the effective management of water resources, it is possible to save up to 50 percent. For this reason, it is necessary to raise awareness in the society for an effective water management. At this point, the engineers of the future have great responsibilities. However, it is the responsibility of us, the industrialists, to raise awareness by raising the awareness of the engineers of the future for our future.” he concluded his speech.

Students from ITU are in Masdaf