How Much Salary Does Bring Courier Pay (Bring Salaries)

Getir courier salaries were updated in 2023 and shared with the public. Many people are wondering how much was the Getir courier hourly rate and Getir courier package fee.

The question of how much salary it gives is among the most popular topics among people who want to be a courier. Since people have started to do their grocery shopping online, the Getir application is among the applications used by many people in our country.

Working With Its Own Engine 58,50 + 5 TL Per Package
Working with Company Engine 38,50 + 5 TL Per Package
Insured Employee 45 TL



Bring motor courier and vehicle courier salary fee taxes are included.

Bring Courier Salaries

Getir, an online shopping application, is among the most popular applications in our country in recent years. Getir courier salaries are announced as follows for those wondering about the 2023 figures:

The company, which has made great progress, expanded abroad this year and became one of the brands representing our country.

Bring Courier Fee

Getir brand, which is one of the popular online shopping applications in our country, serves with a wide communication network throughout the country. Bring courier fees vary between 10,000 TL and 11,000 TL for employees using motorbikes. The salary range for vehicle couriers varies between 15,000 TL and 17,000 TL.

The company, which has a wide range of products from grocery shopping to food and bakery products, has courier ready in every region with a maximum delivery time of 15 minutes.

Bring Vehicle Courier Salaries

As of 2023, courier salaries with Getir vehicles vary between 15,000 TL and 17,000 TL. The vehicles belong to the brand and have a special fast delivery feature to every district of our country.

It provides convenience in payment terms with online payment or payment at the door options. He also gives his employees a meal allowance of 750 TL every month. Since it has a very wide service network, it has a large customer base both in big cities and in rural areas.