Which part of the body should you expose to the sun to synthesize vitamin D?

Which part of the body should you expose to the sun to synthesize as much vitamin D as possible?
Which part of the body should you expose to the sun to synthesize as much vitamin D as possible?
Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. But do you know how to optimize its synthesis by exposing yourself to the sun exactly what you need, where you need it?

Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the human body, It is a fat-soluble pro-hormone. Strengthens the immune system ve limits inflammation . It also increases muscle strength, supports calcium absorption from the small intestine and prevents osteoporosis. Problem, on a diet (although it exists) is quite rare . Our body needs an essential element to synthesize it. : sun . But do you know how to optimally absorb exactly the right amount?

Arms and hands: Vitamin D absorption channels

On average, 2 to 3 minutes of exposure 10 to 15 times a week to fill vitamin D deficiencies will suffice. Obviously, this figure depends on age, diet, skin pigmentation and place of life. However, which part of the body should be featured in order to best synthesize it? It may sound great to some people, but it's UV rays the most. absorbs forearms, hands and face. yourself from 11:00 to 14:00  knowing that it is recommended that you expose it between

sun protection Not all dermatologists agree on whether it should be applied or not. Made by the University of Valencia You should know that according to a study, SPF15 inhibits 93% of vitamin D production. After all, is it safe to sunbathe for 10-15 minutes without sunscreen, for example in the middle of summer? in the British Journal of Dermatology According to a study published and initiated by Professor Antony Young of King's College London , this is not a problem. And for good reason: You should always protect your skin from the sun's rays . He explains:

"  Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. Sunscreens may prevent sunburns and skin cancer, but the effects of sunscreens on vitamin D have created much uncertainty. Our work during a week of perfect weather in Tenerife [in Spain, editor's note] showed that sunscreens are perfect even when used optimally to prevent sunburn. showed that it allowed the synthesis of vitamin »

What if you can't go out in the sun? 

Not everyone can expose themselves to all the minutes in the sun. In this case, it is important to check your vitamin D levels regularly (by having a simple blood test). Latter, as noted, as low as 80% of Westerners, a GP can, depending on the profiles may prescribe food supplements (in the form of capsules or ampoules) to be taken monthly or quarterly. In any case, it is important to consult in order to avoid a decrease in immunity.