The second International Forum on Democracy, the Common Value of All Humanity, was held recently in Beijing. Experts attending the forum are of the opinion that the paths to diverse democracies are not the only ones. Experts stated that in the whole process, which China created on the basis of its own conditions, people's democracy accelerated the development of the country, while at the same time enriching the models of the political civilizations of humanity.
Li Shaoxian, Head of the Sino-Arab Countries Research Institute at Ningxia University
Li Shaoxian, Head of the China-Arab Countries Research Institute of Ningxia University, reminded that each civilization has its own characteristics and that it creates a democracy model based on culture and development in the development process. Pointing out that China's people's democracy was built on the basis of its own conditions and traditional cultures in the whole process, Li said that the democracy model unique to China adds Chinese intelligence to the world's political civilization.
Mushahid Hussein Sayid, Chairman of the Defense Committee of the Pakistani Parliament
The Chairman of the Defense Committee of the Pakistani Assembly, Müşahid Hussein Sayid, is of the opinion that there are different civilizations, cultures and societies in the world, that models of democracy should not be one-size-fits-all. Pointing out that democracy can be achieved in different ways and styles, Seyid emphasized that every country and every society should choose the democratic path that suits them in line with their geographical conditions and historical elements, and that all kinds of democracy should bring happiness to the people like the Chinese-style democracy.
Vice President of the Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies at Tsinghua University Prof. Yan Yilong
Vice President of the Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies at Tsinghua University Prof. Yan Yilong stated that since each state's culture and practices are different, it has the right to discover a model of democracy that suits it. Yan pointed out that people's democracy in the whole Chinese-style process benefits from the experience gained in China's modernization process. He emphasized that this type of democracy is dynamic and shows its effect in the most efficient way, so that it can be adopted at the highest level.
Washim Palash, researcher and visiting professor at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Researcher and visiting professor from Jahangirnagar University of Bangladesh, Washim Palash, stated that Eastern civilization and Eastern intelligence should be used to develop the economy in the democratization process.
Zoon Ahmed Khan, Researcher at the Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
China and Globalization Center (CCG) Researcher Zoon Ahmed Khan, emphasizing that each state has its own unique development characteristics and routes, "Each country, big or small, strong or weak, can contribute to the world." said. “We need to embrace the versatility of the world and the true value of democracy,” Khan said. he said.