Special Ramadan Advice for Pregnant Women and Those with Chronic Diseases

Special Ramadan Advice for Pregnant and Chronic Diseases
Special Ramadan Advice for Pregnant Women and Those with Chronic Diseases

Cardiovascular Surgeon Assoc. Dr. Cem Arıtürk, Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Specialist. Dr. With Saida Dashdamirova, Op. Dr. Gamze Baykan Özgüç shared her special warnings and suggestions for Ramadan for those with chronic diseases and pregnant women.

Cardiovascular surgeon Assoc. Dr. Cem Arıtürk: “For some cardiovascular patients, fasting is not recommended as it will be dangerous. Therefore, patients should act in accordance with the recommendations of their doctors, and should not fast if their doctor does not allow it. On the other hand, the issue that heart patients who can fast should be careful during Ramadan is the way of nutrition. said.

Cardiovascular surgeon Assoc. Dr. Cem Arıtürk said, “Consume foods with high saturated fat content in certain and necessary amounts, and absolutely avoid trans fats, which we describe as 'bad'. Accordingly, you can mainly use olive oil and sunflower oil in your salads and meals; You can include foods such as olives, avocados, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, corn, and fish such as salmon, mackerel, anchovy, and trout in your diet.” made statements.

Liv Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Specialist. Dr. Saida Dashdamirova also gave information about the possible and serious risks of fasting for Diabetes patients.

"High-risk patients may experience complications such as severe low blood sugar and high blood sugar when fasting, as well as loss of fluid in the body (dehydration), low blood pressure, fainting, injuries, thrombosis (clot formation in the blood)," Dashdamirova said. defended his view.

Liv Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Specialist. Dr. Saida Dashdamirova made the following recommendations:

“Those with type 1 diabetes, those with acute disease, those on dialysis, those who have severe diabetes mellitus, those who do not realize that their sugar levels have dropped, those who have a three-month average blood sugar test above 75 percent, those who have been hospitalized in the last three months due to diabetes-related coma, high or low sugar levels, Those who develop organ damage due to diabetes, those who live alone, use insulin or sulfanilurea group drugs, patients over 70 years old, those who take multiple insulin therapy are considered as high risk. Fasting is not recommended for these patients, but if they insist on fasting, a personalized treatment plan should be established, the patient should receive the necessary training, and fingertip blood sugar should be checked more frequently than usual. Fingertip blood glucose measurement and donating blood do not invalidate the fast. If the patient's blood sugar level is below 300 mg/dL or above 70 mg/dL or if he feels unwell, he should definitely break his fast; If there is no improvement in blood sugar level, he should seek medical help by applying to the hospital. Continuing the fast after measuring blood sugar below XNUMX mg/dl can be life-threatening.

Liv Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Op. Dr. Gamze Baykan Özgüç “I am pregnant, can I fast? He stated that the answers to questions such as "How will it affect my baby if I keep it" will differ for each pregnant woman:

Özgüç said, “Many studies show that the effects of fasting on pregnancy and the baby do not produce significant results. However, regular and high-quality nutrition and fluid consumption order are very important during pregnancy. I recommend that pregnant women evaluate the general effects of long-term fasting and lack of fluid intake with their doctors and make the decision to fast accordingly.” he said.

“Pregnant women who are determined to fast should divide the time between iftar and sahur, eat foods with high protein support instead of fatty carbohydrate foods, and do not neglect to drink water.” giving information in the form of Op. Dr. Gamze Baykan Özgüç reminded that expectant mothers with some health problems should definitely fast. Kiss. Dr. Gamze Baykan Özgüç said, “Pregnant women who are followed up with pregnancy risks such as hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes, premature birth risk, and infant growth retardation should definitely not fast.”