Recommendations for Those Who Want to Upgrade Their Credit Rating

Advice for those who want to increase their credit score
Recommendations for Those Who Want to Upgrade Their Credit Rating

Çağada Kırmızı, the founder of the comparison site and the savings expert, made suggestions to keep the credit rating high. We can apply for loans when we want to buy a house or car or when there is an urgent need. However, how much and how much interest a loan can be obtained differs from person to person. This is because of the credit score. Credit score, also known as credit score, is determined by evaluating the relationship of individuals with financial institutions and organizations and their financial reliability. You can learn your credit rating from Findeks, the platform created by the Credit Bureau of Investigation (KBB) in 2014. In addition, all financial institutions can see the credit rating.

Credit ratings of those who pay their debts on a regular basis increase

There are four main factors in the calculation of the credit rating and the credit rating is determined accordingly. “Payback habit” is effective in 45 percent. As can be seen from the ratio, the most important factor is the payment habit. Regular and timely payments increase your credit score. Delay or default in repayment of debts lowers your credit rating. "Current financial account and debt situations" are examined in 32 percent. Calculations are made within the limits, taking into account how the previously used loans were closed and your ongoing loans or collateral. 18 percent of it is “intensity of using credit”. While the credit score of those who use loans more frequently increases, those who use less frequently decrease. 5 percent of it is “newly obtained loans”. If you have taken a loan recently on the date you have your credit score calculated, it may cause your credit score to decrease.

Ideal credit score of 1500 and above

The credit rating determined by Findeks, a subsidiary of the Kredi Kayıt Bürosu (KKB) in which nine large banks are partners, is calculated between 1 and 1900. While 1 is the lowest score, 1900 is the highest score. According to Findeks, if your credit score is between 1 and 699, it is 'very risky', between 700 and 1099 'medium risk', between 1100 and 1499 'low risk', between 1500 and 1699 'good', and between 1700 and 1900 'very good'. is in the category. To use any type of borrowing from banks, you need to have at least 1100 credit points. The ideal credit score is 1500 points and above. If you are not on the black list, you can increase your credit rating in 1-6 months by making your debt payments regularly.

“Use consumer loans in small amounts and with short terms”

The founder of the comparison site and savings expert Çağada Kırmızı gave the following suggestions to those who want to improve their credit rating:

“The biggest factor in increasing the credit rating is the payment of debts. For this reason, it is beneficial for those who want to keep their credit rating high, to pay their debts regularly, paying attention to the due dates. If you have a debt, take care to close it without default/follow up. Debts that are closed with regular payments increase the credit rating. Care should be taken when vouching for someone. Being a guarantor for people who are reliable and will repay their debts on time and regularly will increase the credit rating. Although we do not use all of them, we can have many different bank accounts. It is also useful to close unused bank accounts. Because closing unused bank accounts positively affects your credit rating. Make sure that the limits of your credit cards are proportional to your income. Using a credit card proportionally will have a positive effect on your credit score. Regular payment of bill debts or automatic payment order will have a positive effect on your credit score. Paying the entire amount of the statement instead of the minimum payment amount in the credit card statements is one of the points that increase the credit rating. One of the factors that increase your credit score is to use a loan frequently. In order to increase your credit rating, you can use consumer loans in small amounts and in short terms in some periods and make the repayment properly. This will reflect positively on your credit score.”