Dust from Debris Removal and Demolition Operations Can Cause Disease

Dust Spread in Debris Removal and Demolition Works May Cause Disease
Dust from Debris Removal and Demolition Operations Can Cause Disease

Şanlıurfa Harran University Hospital Chest Diseases Department Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Şerif Kurtuluş made a statement on the damages of the dust that will spread during the demolition and debris removal processes in the earthquake zones and the precautions to be taken.

Assoc. Dr. Kurtulus reminded that the great earthquake caused serious destruction and stated that a serious dust cloud will form in the cities with the debris removal works. He mentioned that it is important for the people working in debris removal and demolition activities and the security forces providing environmental security to use protective overalls, N99 (FFP3) masks and to be protected by daily bathing.

Şanlıurfa Harran University Hospital Chest Diseases Department Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Sheriff Kurtulus said in his statement:

“Due to the asbestos fibers found in new buildings, more so in buildings in the past, dust is spread to the environment during demolition and debris removal. The emitted dust contains allergens, irritants, fibers and pollen. Due to these ingredients, respiratory system diseases (Acute Bronchitis, Asthma, COPD, Asbestosis, Reactive airways disease, allergic diseases, etc.) develop and appear as an attack if present. The presence of people who feed animals, ensure the safety of their homes and continue their lives in the midst of destruction due to other reasons in earthquake zones requires the highest level of attention in terms of respiratory system diseases. It is important that people take protective measures and pay attention, as well as wet demolition and debris removal operations. I would like to state that a healthy environment, healthy animals and healthy buildings are needed for a healthy life.”