Do You Know the Unlucky and Lucky Numbers of Chinese?

Do You Know the Unlucky and Lucky Numbers of the Jinn?
Do You Know the Unlucky and Lucky Numbers of Chinese?

You might be surprised when you take the elevator in one of the skyscrapers in Pudong, Shanghai's business center. Because the buttons showing the floors do not have a 4th floor. Because 4 is an unlucky number for the Chinese! Moreover, his obsession with the Far East 4 is more rooted than the superstition of 13 seen in Western countries.

The reason why the number “4” is ignored in China and other Far Eastern countries is because it is believed to bring bad luck. Because the number 4 in Chinese is death. sözcüIt's very similar to. This belief is so entrenched that the Chinese hesitate to use the number 4 in the presence of a sick person. Moreover, the said similarity exists not only in Chinese and its derivatives, but also in Korean, Vietnamese and even Japanese. Therefore, the number 4 is skipped in the daily life of the Far East. For example, this is often the case in the numbering of streets and apartments, and the ranking of hospital rooms.

On the other hand, the number 8 is loved by the society as it is a symbol of abundance and wealth. These beliefs are also reflected in economic life. For example, phone subscriptions with 4 digits are cheaper than others. Some smartphone brands prefer to give a name to the version they release after the third model, rather than a number. Many drivers pay attention to the fact that their license plates do not carry 3 numbers, at the risk of costly administrative procedures when buying license plates. Some, however, proudly display their numerous 4-number plates, which they have cost dearly to show how successful they are in life while driving.