Pay Attention to the Risk of Facial Paralysis in Cold and Windy Weather

Pay Attention to the Risk of Face Paralysis in Cold and Windy Weather
Pay Attention to the Risk of Facial Paralysis in Cold and Windy Weather

Üsküdar University NPİSTANBUL Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Prof. Dr. Nihal Özaras made an assessment of facial paralysis that may occur due to extreme cold.

Stating that in studies conducted in different countries of the world, it is seen that facial paralysis increases in some seasons, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Prof. Dr. Nihal Özaras said that the strong wind blowing especially in cold weather may have an effect on the formation of facial paralysis. prof. Dr. Nihal Özaras noted that for this reason, clothes that will keep the back of the ear, head and neck area warm and protect them from the wind should be preferred in cold and windy weather.

Some movements become difficult to do in facial paralysis

Defining facial paralysis as "a disorder characterized by sudden loss of movement in one half of the face", Prof. Dr. Nihal Özaras, “In facial paralysis, complete or partial weakness develops in the muscles around the forehead, eyes and mouth. A person with facial paralysis has difficulty in raising his eyebrow, closing his eyes and making mouth movements such as smiling and blowing; Sometimes he can't do these moves at all," he said.

Exact cause unknown

Stating that the exact cause of facial paralysis is unknown, Prof. Dr. Nihal Özaras, “The facial nerve passes behind the ear, distributes to the muscles on the same side of the face and provides the nervous nutrition of those muscles. The exact cause of facial paralysis is unknown. Due to reasons such as viruses, impaired blood circulation in that area, and inflammation, conduction disorder occurs in the facial nerve and the muscles it feeds become partially or completely incapable of contracting. he said.

Can weather conditions cause facial paralysis?

Stating that it is always a matter of curiosity whether the weather conditions are related to facial paralysis, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Prof. Dr. Nihal Özaras said, “Various studies have been conducted on this subject in different countries of the world. According to the results of the research, it was observed that facial paralysis increased in some seasons. It has been shown that the strong wind blowing in cold weather may have an effect on the formation of facial paralysis. For this reason, clothes that will keep the back of the ear, head and neck area warm and protect them from the wind can be used in such weather.

Medication and physical therapy are effective

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Prof. Dr. Nihal Özaras emphasized that drugs and physical therapy have an important role in the treatment of facial paralysis and said that almost complete recovery was achieved in the first 6 months in most of the cases.

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