Non-Surgical Stomach Reduction Gives Health and Form to the Body

Non-Surgical Gastric Reduction Provides Health and Form to the Body
Non-Surgical Stomach Reduction Gives Health and Form to the Body

Professor from Şişli Hospital Gastroenterology Department. Dr. Yaşar Çolak gave information about the endoscopic stomach reduction procedure. "Obesity is not only a concern for appearance and an aesthetic problem, it also brings many chronic health problems," said Prof. Dr. Yaşar Çolak said, “High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol are closely related to fatty liver, herniated disc, knee and joint complaints, cardiovascular diseases, heart attack and many cancers. Obesity, especially in women; breast, uterine and ovarian cancers in men; It actually triggers the most common cancers, such as stomach and colon cancers. It also causes serious increases in the frequency of liver, pancreatic and kidney cancers. Obese people can die at earlier ages due to both cardiovascular diseases and cancers compared to people of normal weight.

Explaining the endoscopic stomach reduction method, Prof. Dr. Yaşar Çolak said that it is a procedure in which the stomach is reduced by reaching the stomach from the oral cavity and stitching through the stomach, as in the endoscopy procedure, without making any incisions. prof. Dr. Yaşar Çolak said, “No incision is made in the abdomen and no part of the stomach is cut and removed. This both minimizes the risks of the process and offers the advantages of a very fast recovery period. There are 2 criteria for endoscopic gastric reduction procedure. One of them is that the Body Mass Index (BMI) is over 30, and the other is that the person has tried natural ways and has not been able to lose weight. First of all, the person must be defined as an obese patient. BMI, which shows the ratio of weight to height, should be above 30. The normal value for this ratio is less than 25. The group with a BMI of 25-30; overweight, and the group over 30 is called obese. The second criterion is that the person cannot lose enough weight despite dieting, increasing physical activity and doing sports for at least 6 months, or losing weight and regaining it, that is, not being able to lose weight with natural methods.” he said.

Stating that the stomach volume in obese people can be reduced to 1500-2500 milliliters with endoscopic gastric reduction operation, this volume can be reduced to 300 milliliters. Dr. Yaşar Çolak said, “A control endoscopy should be performed about 1 week before the operation. The aim here is to determine the presence of diseases such as gastritis, ulcers and tumors that will prevent the stitches to be placed in the stomach and to treat them before the procedure. Again, it is recommended to use gastric protective medication about 1 week before the procedure. On the day of the operation, the patient should come hungry. After the endoscopic gastric reduction procedure, the patient stays in the hospital for 1 night and is discharged the next day. After the operation, the patient can return to his normal life within 2 days. he said.

Stating that the endoscopic stomach reduction procedure is performed under general anesthesia, Prof. Dr. Yaşar Çolak stated that the application takes approximately 1,5 hours. prof. Dr. Yaşar Çolak continued as follows:

“The volume of the stomach is reduced by entering the stomach through the oral cavity with a specially equipped endoscopic device with a suture set at the end, and by placing full-thickness sutures through the stomach. Endoscopic stomach reduction procedure provides advantages by minimizing the risks that may be encountered in bariatric surgery. In the endoscopic stomach reduction procedure, no part of the stomach is removed, the stomach is reduced by sewing it into itself. The planted areas, on the other hand, remain in a shrunken state. The fact that no part of the stomach has been removed provides another advantage. It is the absence of vitamin and iron deficiencies that can be seen after obesity surgeries. After the endoscopic gastric reduction procedure, the patient does not have to use vitamin or iron supplements. The faster recovery time is another advantage.”

Stating that the endoscopic stomach reduction procedure, which should be done by specialist physicians, is quite safe in competent hands, Prof. Dr. Yaşar Çolak stated that it is a procedure approved by the American Health Administration (FDA), which does not have any serious side effects in the studies.

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