Organized in cooperation with Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, Kocaeli City Council and neighborhood residents, the traditional Goose Feast Event was held in Izmit Eseler Village with the intense participation of the city residents. Various rituals were also performed for the Goose Feast event, which dates back 200 years. During the Goose Festival, local and cultural values of Kocaeli were exhibited. There were stands where the villagers could sell their local products. Traditionally cooked geese were served to the citizens, accompanied by phyllo dough.
In addition to Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tahir Büyükakın, Provincial Police Chief Veysal Tipioğlu, Provincial Director of National Education Ömer Akmanşen, Provincial Mufti Sinan Cihan, Kocaeli City Council President Ali Korkmaz, AK Party Provincial President Mehmet Ellibeş, MHP Provincial President Murat Nuri Demirbaş, CHP Kocaeli former Deputy Hikmet Erenkaya, neighborhood headmen and many citizens attended.
Stating that traditions are like fingerprints of nations, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tahir Büyükakın said, “This trace should not be lost. That's what's done here. We are Turkey together with our differences. There's a lot of hard work here. Last year, they said they would build the mosque. Good luck with our mosque. If there is a place to roll dough, we will make it. May our union be forever. Happy holiday,” he said.
Kocaeli City Council Ali Korkmaz said, “There is unity and cooperation here today. Kocaeli has beauty here. This event, which has been celebrated for centuries, is a cultural value. As the City Council, we are trying to preserve the memory of this city. As the City Council, we are trying to keep our culture alive. In this sense, we offered grants to NGOs. We had a support of 15 million liras. No city has this. Our biggest supporter in this regard is our president Tahir. Thank you for your peace," he said.
Goose Feast is celebrated every year in the second half of January, on the date determined by the village elders. The preparations for the feast begin with the preparation of dry dough and the fattening of the geese. The natural skewers to be used during the cooking of the geese are prepared by cutting from the dogwood tree. Two days before the feast, the feathers and insides of the geese that are slaughtered collectively are cleaned, left to rest for one night, and the frozen fat is removed. Goose meat is as important as its fat because it meets the annual need. The geese, which are soaked in water for a day, are taken out of the water on the morning of the feast and strung on skewers, some water is poured into the goose pans and driven into the oven.
It is known that the Goose Festival, which has been celebrated for centuries in the villages of Eseler, Solaklar and Durhasan in the Izmit district of Kocaeli, was also celebrated in the villages of Hasanoğlu and Sofuoğlu in the past.
Local and cultural values of Kocaeli were exhibited at the Goose Festival held in the village square of Eseler. In addition, the local sales area, where the villagers can sell the local products they have produced, was also located in the event area.
The main purpose of the holiday, which is celebrated in the middle of January only in the villages of Eseler, Solaklar, Durhasan and Hasanoğlu in the Izmit district in Kocaeli, is unity, togetherness and sharing. The people of the region, who took care to keep the tradition alive even during the war years, have ensured that this tradition has survived for 200 years.