83 Irregular Migrants Caught in Şanlıurfa

Irregular Immigrant Caught in Sanliurfa
83 Irregular Migrants Caught in Şanlıurfa

As a result of the work carried out by the Gendarmerie teams in the central districts of Şanlıurfa, 83 irregular illegal immigrants were caught. Two organizers were detained.

According to the information obtained, Şanlıurfa Provincial Gendarmerie Command teams continue to work to prevent migrant smuggling. Within the framework of the studies, suspicious addresses and vehicles were searched in Eyyübiye, Akçakale, Birecik and Harran districts. 83 irregular immigrants who were found to have entered the country illegally during the searches were caught. The 2 organizers who were taken into custody were arrested and sent to prison.

21 Diyarbakir

Bus Services Increased on the Elidolu and Dicle University Route

Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality increased the number of services of the G1 line, which operates on the Elidolu and Dicle University route, where there is a high density. The Transportation Department has increased the number of services of the GXNUMX line, which operates on the Elidolu and Dicle University route, in order to provide faster transportation for citizens and [more…]