Why Is Osteoporosis More Common in Women?

Why is Osteoporosis More Common in Women?
Why Osteoporosis Is More Common in Women

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Associate Professor Ahmet İnanır gave important information about the subject. Osteoporosis, known as osteoporosis, occurs when the bones in the body become weak and brittle as a result of the decrease in their hardness and is the most common bone disease.

Osteoporosis, which can be seen in all bones in the body, mostly affects the spine, hip and wrist. Generally, it is silent unless a fracture occurs. Spine, hip and wrist fractures may occur due to increased bone fragility. Osteoporosis, which is generally seen over the age of 45, is a disease that increases the possibility of bone fracture due to the decrease in calcium in the bone structure.

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

The most common symptom of osteoporosis is pain in the spine and back area. The reason for these pains is explained as micro fractures in the weakened bone. There are many microscopic fractures in the bones. These fractures are repaired with new bone tissue made by the body. However, this metabolic situation slows down in osteoporosis. In this case, tiny fractures can grow and cause large fractures. Symptoms of osteoporosis include low back and back pain, shortening in height, and fractures that can lead to hunchback.

Why is osteoporosis more common in women?

According to the Osteoporosis Society of Turkey data; It can be seen over the age of 50 (one in three women and one in five men). Osteoporosis is more common in thin, thin and slender women. Menopause is an important risk factor for osteoporosis in women. Pre-menopausal osteoporosis is rare in women. Postmenopausal osteoporosis and fractures can often be seen. The most important reason for this is the decrease in female hormones in women entering the menopause period.

Why is osteoporosis less common in men?

Males have a shorter lifespan than females, have a high bone mass rate in males during skeletal development, the presence of the protective effect of "testosterone", also known as the male hormone, on bones, and the absence of a condition such as menopause that accelerates bone destruction in males.

What are the risk factors for osteoporosis?

Being in advanced age, genetic predisposition, insufficient sunbathing, insufficient calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D intake, female gender, being in the post-menopausal period, thyroid and sex hormonal disorders, adrenal gland diseases, continuous steroid-containing medication, smoking - alcohol - coffee consumption, to lead a sedentary lifestyle.

How is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis of osteoporosis is made according to the data obtained by the method called DEXA and the presence or absence of fracture.

How is the treatment?

It is necessary to treat osteoporosis with drug and non-drug methods. If fractures or fractures have not occurred in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis, preventive treatment should be initiated. The main principle in preventive treatment is to provide the patient with activity and exercise. Brisk walks can help the swimming bone maintain its current strength. Drug treatment is preferred according to the patient's condition and may vary according to each patient. Preventive drugs, on the other hand, can reduce and balance the destruction seen in the osteoporosis period. These types of drugs are used in treatment according to the age group of the patient. Some additional measures should be taken in patients with spine fractures in advanced osteoporosis to reduce the pain associated with these fractures. Regular exercise programs, corset treatment and filling the bone with organic materials are the issues that should be applied in the treatment. Since bone resorption is a very common disease, you should take care to have your checkups regularly, considering that it can occur in you and cause serious problems in later ages.

What are the ways to avoid osteoporosis?

It is important to gain a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, to exercise, to sunbathe from a young age. Avoiding smoking and alcohol, early recognition of osteoporosis, timely provision of appropriate treatment in patients with osteoporosis, and prevention of fracture formation. It is necessary to ensure that patients with fractures survive with minimal damage, prevent complications and increase the quality of life.

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