Space-Time-Bending Galaxy Discovered

Space Time Buckling Galaxy Discovered
Space - Time Warping Galaxy Discovered

Understanding the universe and its limits is a really difficult task. With the technology we have, it seems unlikely to understand this right now. Therefore, there are some questions that need to be answered in the mind of Man. The most important of these questions are;

  • Is the universe expanding?
  • Is the universe in an infinite structure or will it continue to expand?
  • Does the universe have an end?

Finding answers to questions like these will help us a lot in understanding the universe. As you know, the Hubble Space Telescope continues to study the universe to find out the answers to these questions.

However, recently, a very important data from the Hubble Space Telescope has reached the world. This data suggests that there may be a galaxy that bends spacetime. Alright, What is this galaxy? Let's take a look together.

Spacetime Bending Galaxy

The Hubble Telescope has discovered a galaxy that bends spacetime. The name of this galaxy he discovered is the Abel 1351 galaxy. The galaxy is located in the constellation Ursa Major. The Abel 1351 galaxy is held together by the force exerted by the gravitational forces of thousands of galaxies. This shows that the galaxy is really very large and its gravitational power is quite high. Scientists say that the weight of the galaxy is quadrillion times greater than the weight of the sun.

So how does the galaxy Abel 1351 do the bending of spacetime? If you want, let's explain it like this. We mentioned earlier that the galaxy is very heavy. Thanks to this weight, the Abel 1351 galaxy bends the incoming light as a magnifying glass and reflects it again. In this case, it distorts spacetime and makes it possible for light reflected back to spacetime to appear from different times.

Scientists call this gravitational lensing. This method is widely used in astronomy photography.

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