How Long Will My Subaru Last?

How Long Will My Subaru Last?
How Long Will My Subaru Last?

Over the years, Subaru has maintained its reputation as a long-lasting vehicle. Subaru has a car owner's club for all types of Subaru owners, including those with cars over 100.000 miles, 200.000 miles and 300.000 miles.

Subaru vehicles are known for their longevity. With proper care and maintenance, many Subaru owners have reported that their vehicles lasted past 200K miles. Everything related to the question: "How Long Will My Subaru Last?" depends on how well you are taking care of your vehicle and following the recommendations for regular Subaru service and maintenance.

1. Driving Habits

How you drive your Subaru affects not only its performance but also the length of time it lasts. Some Subarus fail to perform just in the first few years, while there are many vintage Subarus still running smoothly with hundreds of thousands of miles on the odometer. To extend the life of your Subaru, follow these tips: Don't tow objects with your car, shift gears correctly, brake gently and avoid driving in severe weather conditions. Also, keep teenagers away from your Subaru!

2. Oil Oil Oil!

It is important to check your oil level and change your oil on a regular basis. Oil lubricates the engine, keeping it from overheating and ensuring smooth operation. Without oil, engines wear down quickly and can even seize up and stop working altogether. It is recommended that you check your vehicle's oil level every time you fill up at the pump to keep track of how much oil is left in the tank. Even the most reliable vehicles can benefit from regular oil changes.

Keeping your Subaru well-maintained is important for its longevity, and oil changes are an important part of that. It's a good idea to keep track of the mileage printed on your last oil change sticker (located in your glove compartment) and check the oil level frequently. If you smell burning oil or hear clunking noises coming from your engine, you might need to add more oil right away.

3. Commit to Regularly Scheduled Maintenance

If you follow the recommended maintenance schedule for your Subaru at the minimum, you will likely avoid many common problems. Just as you might visit the doctor for an annual checkup even if nothing seems wrong, you can save time, money and headaches by having your car inspected and maintained by a qualified Subaru mechanic on a regular basis.

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