Demolition Works of Heavily Damaged Buildings Started in Düzce

Demolition Works of Heavily Damaged Buildings Started in Düzce
Demolition Works of Heavily Damaged Buildings Started in Düzce

Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Minister Murat Kurum continued his investigations in villages and districts after the 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Düzce. The Minister Kurum, who visited the damaged buildings one by one, warned the citizens not to live in heavily damaged houses, and told the citizens whose houses were destroyed that their new houses would be completed and delivered as soon as possible. Minister Kurum stated to 87-year-old Zülfiye Yıldırım, whose container was delivered, that they would re-establish her old order next to her heavily damaged house and that necessary actions would be taken. He also watched the demolition works of heavily damaged buildings on site.

Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Minister Murat Kurum made inspections in the center, villages and districts of Düzce, where the 23 magnitude earthquake was experienced on November 5.9, and watched the demolition work in heavily damaged houses on site.

In Düzce, where a total of 181 heavily damaged buildings were identified, the Minister Institution; visited Taşlık Village, Gölyaka District, Çilimli District, Gökçe Village, Yenimahalle, Şerefiye District and Camikebir District, respectively. Examining the heavily damaged structures here, the Minister Kurum paid a visit to the earthquake victims who stayed in containers and tents to get well soon.

The Minister Institution received information from the authorities in the Mobile Coordination Center by watching the destruction of 6 flats, 2 shops and 5 flats and 3 shops in Çilimli District in the heavily damaged Gölyaka district.

“We will complete and deliver their new homes to citizens whose houses have been demolished as soon as possible”

Minister Murat Kurum took a close interest in the earthquake victims in Düzce, chatted with them, and listened to their demands and requests. He said that they would complete and deliver new homes to the citizens whose homes were destroyed as soon as possible. Minister Kurum told 87-year-old Zülfiye Yıldırım, whose container was delivered, that they would re-establish her old order next to her heavily damaged home and stated that what was necessary would be done, and said, “Don’t worry, your container has arrived, and God willing, we will build your home here quickly. Don’t worry.”

Minister Kurum also said to the citizen named Nurgül Gökçe, whose house was badly damaged, "We can make a new one, it will be better, you can sit there. Don't be sad. Do not enter your badly damaged house, do not sit here.” said. He then instructed the authorities to complete the relocation of the earthquake victims in the region as soon as possible.

21 Diyarbakir

Bus Services Increased on the Elidolu and Dicle University Route

Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality increased the number of services of the G1 line, which operates on the Elidolu and Dicle University route, where there is a high density. The Transportation Department has increased the number of services of the GXNUMX line, which operates on the Elidolu and Dicle University route, in order to provide faster transportation for citizens and [more…]