Surprise Visit to 42 Istanbul Software School

Surprise Visit to Istanbul Software School
Surprise Visit to 42 Istanbul Software School

Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank visited young people learning software at once. Minister Varank, who made a surprise visit to 42 Istanbul in Vadi Istanbul, said, “This is a school that teaches software to our participating friends with a completely gamification and project model without any trainers. We want to increase the software developer capacity in Turkey with this type of innovative training methods.” said. During the visit, Minister Varank offered the youngsters tiramisu made with the special recipe of Danilo Zanna, the Italian jury member of the Masterchef competition.


As a result of the cooperation between the Turkish Open Source Platform and Ekol 42, 42 Istanbul and 42 Kocaeli schools were opened in Turkey. Minister Varank visited 42 Istanbul, which teaches software with peer learning method. Young people who wrote code on the computer could not hide their surprise when they saw Minister Varank in front of them.

Minister Varank, who chatted with young people and listened to their views on school and software development, later made the following assessment:


This is a school that teaches our participating friends completely gamification and software with a project model without any trainers. They grow up as software developers by following the programs here and helping each other. In an average of three years, people without any software knowledge and who have not been trained in these jobs before can graduate from here. We brought these schools to our country last year.


In 42 Kocaeli and 42 Istanbul, we put our young people, especially those who are interested in this business, to a test. We are just looking at whether our young friends have the ability to solve algorithms or have mathematical thinking skills. Every Turkish citizen who has completed the age of 18 can apply to these schools.


We came to visit our young friends today. I had promised to buy them dessert before. I fulfilled that promise. We chatted with them. 42 schools are an innovative learning method. Their graduates successfully learn software. We can see from previous experiences that 90 percent of their graduates find jobs. We want to increase the software development capacity in Turkey with such innovative education methods. 42 schools have been a work that has made us proud so far.


The biggest feature of these schools is that they teach the software in a completely gamification and project-based way without any trainer. Here, students learn software by making projects with this gamified method. At the same time, they learn software by solving problems by teaching themselves this job without a teacher. A truly innovative method. We designed these schools to pave the way for our youth. We do not charge any fees. We also have partners here.


We developed this program together with Turkey Open Source Platform. The platform has big software company partners. Global brands are partners in this business. The companies there recruit these students as interns from the first year. This is how we meet the qualified personnel needs of our companies.


Minister Varank offered the Italian dessert tiramisu to the young people at the end of the visit. Minister Varank, who served tiramisu made with the special recipe of the famous chef Danilo Zanna, who has a restaurant in Vadi Istanbul, to approximately 150 young people, also had a video meeting with Danilo Chef. Minister Varank said, “I ordered the tiramisu. And the food is on you, chief." and Danilo Chief said, “I will host them all, let them be my guests.” he replied.


Selin Tepe, one of the 42 Istanbul participants, stated that they learned by working and having fun, “I'm already studying at another school, but this one is much better. Thank you very much to our minister. It was a surprise to us too. We were very surprised to see it.” said.


İrem Öztimur stated that they learned the basics of software in 42 Istanbul and said, “The opportunities are very good. I wasn't expecting this much." Hasan Kemal Gümüşcüoğlu said, “It is a very different education. It's something I saw for the first time in Turkey. I am very satisfied with the system and facilities offered. I was surprised by your surprise, Mr. It's a subtle move. He gave us treats.” made its assessment.


Muhammed Enes Başpınar, explaining that the teacher affects his own learning process while learning, said, "While you can get from a teacher in a school, you can get everyone's information from everyone." In his words, 42 conveyed his Istanbul experience.


Ayşe Hümeyra Cengiz, 4th year student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Karabük University, thanked Minister Varank for her surprise visit and treat and explained her 42 Istanbul adventure with the following words: We are studying software. I've been here since February. I run it with the school. I came here after seeing the tweet of our minister. I think that it is more permanent when we learn by researching and making efforts ourselves.


After the visit of Minister Varank, Danilo Chef gave breakfast to 42 Istanbul students and graduates at his restaurant in Vadi Istanbul. While Danilo Şef stated that they are hosting the smartest and most successful young people of Turkey, Sertaç Yerlikaya, Director of Turkey Open Source Platform, also thanked Danilo Şef for hosting.


Danilo Chief made a video call to Minister Varank during breakfast. Minister Varank thanked Danilo Chief for his interest and said, "We will never forget your support for high technology in Turkey." he made his joke. Danilo Chef said, "Estağfurullah would love to eat, but mashallah how much food they eat." he replied.

Then the following dialogue took place between the two:

MINISTER VARANK: They are shedding sweat, not sweat. The sweat of the mind requires more energy.

DANİLO CHEF: They are all very nice, smart, but a few …

MINISTER VARANK: Take those who can't do the software business to the competition, let them cook there.

DANİLO CHEF: We're going to pick a few for Masterchef.

DANİLO CHEF: Dear Minister, thank you for having the opportunity to meet young people.

MINISTER VARANK: I wish success to all my fellow students. I also thank you very much. Tell the other chefs to host them one day.

DANILO CHEF: Right now, right now. I have the ball.