Students with Autism Waiting for the Class Bell to Ring

Students with Autism Waiting for the Class Bell to Ring
Students with Autism Waiting for the Class Bell to Ring

With the opening of schools, while millions of students start their classes, children with autism, whose only solution is education, have difficulty in accessing education. The only known remedy today; Autism, which is an intensive and continuous special education with early diagnosis, is seen in 44 out of every 1 children today.

Among the main symptoms of autism, which is a developmental difference that is congenital and noticed in the first 3 years of life; not making eye contact with others, not looking when their name is called, retardation in speaking, not showing what they want with their finger, not showing interest in the games played by their peers, swinging, fluttering, walking on tiptoe, excessive interest in rotating objects and obsessive behaviors. If their children exhibit different behaviors and symptoms than their peers of the same age, families should immediately consult a child and adolescent psychiatrist who specializes in autism.

Özgül Gürel, General Manager of Tohum Autism Foundation, stated that a rights-based approach and inclusive education should be implemented in practice in order for every child with autism to benefit from the right to education equally:

“In the new academic year, all children with autism should be included in the education environment without being separated and necessary arrangements should be made immediately. Since the prejudices that exist in participation in education life cannot be overcome, it is not possible for individuals with autism to access good education services and find a job that suits their abilities in line with the education they receive in the future. However, children with autism who can access the educational environment can achieve the social life they deserve in their later years. When we project the population, it is estimated that there are approximately 1.900.326 individuals with autism in our country and 7.601.304 family members affected by this condition. However, only 0 of about 19 children and young people with autism in the 574.963-41.854 age group have been able to go to school. Therefore, in order for children and adults with autism to continue their lives with maximum independence, it is very important to ensure effective access to quality education services, starting from pre-school education.

As a foundation that has been working to help individuals with autism reach their rightful place in society since 2003, we will continue to work with all our faith so that more individuals with autism can access education and see the value they deserve in society.''