Automotive Industry Association (OSD), which is the umbrella organization of the sector with its 13 members that steer the Turkish automotive industry, has announced the production and export numbers and market data for the January-August period. Accordingly, in the first eight months of the year, total automotive production increased by 2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, to 833 thousand 146, while automobile production decreased by 3 percent to 496 thousand 302. Together with the tractor production, the total production amounted to 863 thousand 268 units. In the January-August period, commercial vehicle production increased by 11 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. In this period, while production in the heavy commercial vehicle group increased by 27 percent, the production in the light commercial vehicle group increased by 10 percent. During this period, the capacity utilization rate of the automotive industry was 64 percent. On the basis of vehicle group, capacity utilization rates were 65% in light vehicles (cars + light commercial vehicles), 82% in the truck group, 35% in the bus-midibus group, and 60% in tractors.
In the January-August period, automotive exports decreased by 1 percent on unit basis compared to the same period of the previous year, and amounted to 591 thousand 156 units. In this period, automobile exports decreased by 7 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, while commercial vehicle exports increased by 10 percent. Tractor exports, on the other hand, increased by 2021 percent compared to 15 and amounted to 11 thousand 543 units. According to the data of the Turkish Exporters Assembly, the total automotive industry exports ranked second in the sectoral export ranking with a 2022 percent share in the January-August period of 12. According to Uludag Exporters' Association (UIB) data, total automotive exports in the January-August period increased by 2021 percent compared to 4 and reached 19,9 billion dollars. On a Euro basis, it increased by 16 percent to 18,4 billion Euros. In this period, exports of the main industry increased by 1 percent in dollar terms, and exports of the supply industry increased by 7 percent.
In the period covering the first eight months of the year, the total market decreased by 8 percent compared to the previous year and amounted to 483 thousand 285 units. In this period, the automobile market shrank by 9 percent and amounted to 354 thousand 543 units. Looking at the commercial vehicle market, the total commercial vehicle market contracted by 2 percent and the light commercial vehicle market by 5 percent, while the heavy commercial vehicle market grew by 16 percent in the January-August period compared to the same period of the previous year. In the January-August period of 2022, compared to the same period of the previous year, sales of imported light commercial vehicles decreased by 17 percent, while domestic light commercial vehicles increased by 5 percent. In this period, the domestic vehicle share in automobile sales was 39 percent, the domestic vehicle share in the light commercial vehicle market was 59 percent and the domestic share in the heavy commercial vehicle market was 67 percent.