Attention to the 5 Most Common Problems During Pregnancy!

Attention to the Most Common Problem During Pregnancy
Attention to the 5 Most Common Problems During Pregnancy!

Some complaints occur in most of the pregnant women. Even if these complaints are considered normal during pregnancy, they can complicate the daily life of the expectant mother. Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Op. Dr. Guzin Basci explains.

Nausea and Vomiting

Although the exact cause is not known in the early stages of pregnancy, it is thought to be caused by the hormones secreted. It is usually felt in the morning hours. The fact that the mother of the pregnant woman has this problem while pregnant with herself, multiple pregnancies, overworking of the thyroid hormone, psychological reasons can cause nausea and vomiting. If routine tests in the first weeks of pregnancy are normal, nausea and vomiting is a sign of normal pregnancy. Excessive vomiting and weight loss require treatment. It is necessary to stay away from odors, to eat little by little, to stay away from fatty foods. Consuming foods that make you sick to the stomach should be avoided. Drinking water can increase nausea. Water should be consumed in between meals, not during meals. It is good to consume saltine crackers in bed when you wake up in the morning. It can be consumed by squeezing lemon into water, mineral water. The drink prepared by adding 1 coin-sized piece of ginger to 1 glass of water with a squeeze of lemon reduces nausea. You can consume ginger by grating it in salads and soups. Most of the nausea that starts in 6-7 weeks will increase in 8-9 weeks and will pass after 10-12 weeks. You will be relieved to know that these complaints will pass. It is normal to lose 1-3 kg in this period.


Heartburn, heartburn and even stomach pain are common problems in the first and last 3 months of pregnancy. The secreted progesterone hormone causes relaxation in the muscles that prevent the escape from the stomach to the esophagus. The passage of stomach contents into the esophagus (reflux) causes burning, heartburn complaints. In the first 3 months of pregnancy, hormones and in the last 3 months, the growing uterus pushes the stomach up, causing reflux. Medication support may be necessary during this process. You need to feed little by little and often. Do not consume fatty, tomato paste, fried, bitter foods, tomatoes, oranges, pickles, coffee, mint, onions, garlic, chocolate, which trigger reflux. Take 3 meals a main meal and 3 meals a snack. You should chew your food thoroughly. Do not eat 2-3 hours before going to bed. Raising your pillow by 15-25 cm relieves you. If these measures do not relieve you, your doctor will prescribe medication for you.

Frequent Urination

There is a need to urinate frequently during pregnancy. In the first months of pregnancy, the pressure of the uterus on the urinary bladder, and in the last months of the pregnancy, the pressure of the baby's head on the bony pelvis and the pressure on the urinary bladder cause frequent urination. Hormonal change from pregnancy and greater blood volume in the body cause frequent urination. Some pregnant women urinate. Frequent urge to urinate and urinary incontinence can be a sign of urinary tract infection, gestational diabetes. You should convey your complaint to your doctor. There is no chance of preventing frequent urination. Do not restrict fluid intake to reduce it. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. When your urine comes, empty it immediately, do not keep it in your bladder. Do kegel exercises to prevent urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Groin Pain

Groin pain can occur at any stage of pregnancy. In the first months of pregnancy, it can be caused by completely normal situations due to the stretching of the ligaments that hang the uterus to the abdominal wall, due to the pressure of the baby's head near the birth. However, groin pain can be caused by infections, the threat of miscarriage, and, rarely, emergencies such as appendicitis. If you are experiencing groin pain, your doctor should decide whether this is a normal occurrence during pregnancy. Sometimes, the gas formed in the intestines due to the growth of the uterus and the effect of hormones causes groin pain. Eating little by little often, eating healthy, increasing physical activity, magnesium supplements are good for groin pain.


Gynecologist Op. Dr. Güzin Başcı ”Most pregnant women have constipation problems. The cause of constipation is the increased progesterone hormone during pregnancy, weight gain, and the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines. Anemia and vitamin D deficiency also cause constipation. To eliminate the problem of constipation, you should consume fibrous foods, fruits and vegetables. You should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Increase fluid intake with ayran, soup and tzatziki. Whole wheat bread with high nutritional value should be in your meals. Physical activity, especially yoga, increases your bowel movements. Squatting is easier to defecate. In this position, the thigh should be pulled towards the abdomen. Every morning after breakfast, sit on the toilet for half an hour and wait for defecation. If squatting is not possible, elevate your feet with the step. If you have a vitamin deficiency, you should take supplements.

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