Outdoor Exercise is Held at More than 200 Points in Istanbul

Outdoor Exercise is Performed at the Point Above Flour in Istanbul
Outdoor Exercise is Held at More than 200 Points in Istanbul

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) accelerated the sports activities organized in open areas within the framework of the Istanbul Sports Master Plan announced last year. Outdoor exercises, which were previously performed at 35 points and only in the morning, are now performed at more than 200 points throughout the day. The free events have 8 members. Under the coordination of the IMM Youth and Sports Directorate, the outdoor exercises, which are carried out with the expert trainers of Spor Istanbul, are organized 365 days a year free of charge with their changing and developing structure.

Taking into account the scientific research results that reveal the positive effects of sports on health, IMM aims to increase physical activity activities and increase the rate of participation in these activities due to reasons such as long hours spent in front of television, high increase in obesity and diabetes cases. Open space events were also held between 07.00:09.00 and XNUMX:XNUMX every morning before, while the President of IMM Ekrem İmamoğlu With the announcement of the Istanbul Sports Master Plan to the public last year, it was revised to be organized throughout the day.

Istanbulites participate in walking, jogging, cycling, pilates and step-aerobic activities in open space events that continue in 37 districts for four seasons. Children who receive education at Yuvam Istanbul Kindergartens during the academic year are also included in the activities, which are organized every day for all age groups and have approximately 8 thousand members. During the period they are open, football, gymnastics and basic movement trainings are organized for approximately 5 children in the nurseries of IMM.