Forest Fires Can Be Prevented With PanTher Radar

Forest Fires Can Be Prevented With PanTher Radar
Forest Fires Can Be Prevented With PanTher Radar

With PanTher Radar (electro-optical thermal radar), forests can be monitored 365 days - 24 hours with 360-degree panoramic view unmanned, and changes such as a possible smoke, heat detection or movement can be monitored on the local and remote monitoring screen, and instant alarms and e-mails can be sent to the authorities. It is transmitted via SMS, etc. methods. With PanTher Radar, it is possible to protect forests and prevent fires.

PanTher Radar system, the first electro-optical thermal radar of our country, was developed by Turkish engineers within Canovate Group, which has been producing advanced technology for 43 years. Canovate Group is among the 10 global brands of the world with its technology in data center and fiber optic systems and its end-to-end product portfolio. In addition to thermal and optical products, including PanTher Radar, Canovate Ballistics provides services with level IIIA, III and IV ballistic product families, with flexible production possibilities according to demand.

Deep Learning algorithms are used

According to the information given by Canovate Group technical officials, the PanTher Radar project, the first electro-optical thermal radar of our country, was implemented last year. Fire algorithms and user screens have continued to be developed for the last year. Canovate software is integrated into many existing thermal and PTZ cameras, thus enabling the camera equipment in the inventory of the General Directorate of Forestry to be included in the system. In addition, a 3D Thermal Radar project is carried out in Canovate with the support of TÜBİTAK, and analysis can be performed by taking Thermal Images between -15 and +90 degrees vertically and 0-360 degrees with this project. With it, land, air and sea targets and mobility can be controlled. In addition, Deep Learning algorithms are used in this project. Besides our country, the PanTher Radar System is expected to be in high demand in many countries such as the USA, Australia, Greece and Brazil, which are struggling with fires in the upcoming period.

What are the features of the PanTher Radar system?

1-PanTher Radar system generates alarms by making continuous observations for 10 days-15 hours by using the Thermal Radar Algorithm with the Dual Spectrum Zoom camera system up to 365-24 kilometers radius, independently of the human being. This system has been specially developed and patented to prevent forest fires.

2-In addition to fire and smoke detection, there is a motion analysis algorithm in desired areas. With this, for example, it is possible to detect people, vehicles and other creatures entering and leaving the forest in open areas and roads and to generate alarms.

3-Approximate coordinate information is produced by image analysis of the points where fire and alarm are generated. From this point of view, it also contributes to public order events.

4- It detects the desired parameters such as weather conditions, solar radiation, soil moisture, Ph etc. in the monitoring area in real time and transmits them to the monitoring center at desired intervals.

5-It enables the monitoring of alarms in certain regional and national centers and the storage of received images and data there.

6- It eliminates the need for people or guards in the surveillance center. Thanks to the developed image processing algorithm, it gives an approximate target location without GPS and laser rangefinder. Changes such as a possible smoke, heat detection or movement can be instantly monitored on the Local and Remote Monitoring Screen and communicated to the authorities via e-mail and SMS, etc.

7- These data provide the following data that are vital for the forest: