Creme Brulee Recipe and Preparation: How to Make Creme Brulee, What are the Ingredients?

Creme Brulee Recipe and How to Make Creme Brulee What are the Ingredients
Creme Brulee Recipe and Preparation How to Make Creme Brulee, What are the Ingredients

The Creme Brulee recipe made in the last episode of MasterChef was a matter of curiosity. Crème brulee is a French dessert, and it's pretty easy to make. How to make Creme Brulee, what are the necessary ingredients for Creme Brulee? He began to do intensive research with questions such as: So, how to make Creme Brulee, what are the necessary ingredients, what is the trick?

How to make Creme Brulee, what are the ingredients and tips?


  • 4 glass of cream
  • 1 stick of vanilla or 1 packet of vanilla
  • 6 egg yolk
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar
  • Brown sugar

Making Creme Brulee

  • Carefully separate the white and yellow parts of the egg. Transfer the yolks to a glass bowl.
  • Bring the cream to a boil in a small saucepan over low heat until it comes to a boil.
  • You take it from the stove near the boil and let it stand at room temperature for a while, then add the egg yolks little by little and mix quickly.
  • Add vanilla and sugar. Divide the ready-made creme brulee mixture evenly into the heat-resistant ovenware.
  • Place the portioned dessert containers on the baking tray, the bottom of which is covered with at least one finger thickness of water.
  • Since it is an egg-based dessert with a juicy consistency, bake it in a preheated 180 degree oven until it has a milky sweet consistency (approximately 45 minutes).
  • If it does not separate from the edges when you shake it slightly, it means that your dessert has been done during this time.
  • Spread the brown sugar over the desserts you have taken out of the oven.
  • With the help of a blowtorch, burn the sugar on the dessert and serve it without waiting after giving it a caramel look.

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