What should summer pregnant women pay attention to while traveling?

What should summer pregnant women pay attention to while traveling?
What should summer pregnant women pay attention to while traveling?

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Op. Dr. Meral Sönmezer gave important information about the subject. Summer months are also an indispensable period of holidays for expectant mothers. At this point, it is very important to pay attention to some travel rules for mother and baby health. 11th-36th days of pregnancy. Weekends are the best times to hit the road. Expectant mothers who have a risk of miscarriage, risk of premature birth, bleeding and coagulation problems should definitely evaluate their situation with their doctor before traveling. Traveling by plane over long distances should be preferred during pregnancy. If the road is to be used, traveling by private vehicle will be much more comfortable than by bus. This is followed by trips by private vehicle. Traveling by bus is not very healthy and comfortable. Staying immobile for a long time on airplane journeys can cause blood clots in the leg veins of expectant mothers, and this clot can break off and go to organs such as the lungs and brain, causing blood flow to stop there. This phenomenon is called “thromboembolism”. For this reason, on plane trips that will take more than 3 hours;

  • Do not stay still for a long time.
  • Attention should be paid to adequate fluid consumption.
  • Compression stockings that increase blood circulation in the legs should be worn on long flights. If necessary, anticoagulant medication can be taken under the control of a doctor before the flight.

These recommendations are valid from the beginning of pregnancy up to 6 weeks after delivery. On journeys with a private vehicle, it is appropriate to sit in the back seat from the 11th week or, if sitting in the front seat, to put a small pillow between the seat belt and the body. The important thing here is to take a break every 2-3 hours. With the walks to be made during the breaks, the blood circulation can be rearranged. In addition, fluid consumption should not be interrupted during the journey. Avoid drinks containing caffeine and foods that are bitter, sour or very fatty. Expectant mothers with blood clotting problems may prefer compression stockings.


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