Things to Consider About Meat Consumption in Eid-al-Adha

Things to Consider About Meat Consumption in Eid-al-Adha
Things to Consider About Meat Consumption in Eid-al-Adha

Yeni Yüzyıl University Gaziosmanpaşa Hospital General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Muharrem Battal gave information about the things to be considered about the increased consumption of red meat during the Eid-al-Adha.

General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Muharrem Battal gave information about what should be considered in meat consumption:

“Meat and meat products are one of our most important food sources to meet our daily protein needs. In addition to being the most important protein source, we also get many components such as vitamin B12, creatinine, and minerals with these foods and meat products. Of course, the amount and quality of this food is an important factor.

Red meat is one of the most important sources of protein, but it is recommended to be consumed in a limited and controlled manner, since it takes longer to digest and is more difficult than other foods.

Especially those with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic liver disease, hypertension, respiratory distress and patients with known gastrointestinal problems should be more careful.

It is also known that excessive meat consumption causes problems such as thirst, constipation, bad breath, liver and heart work harder. In this respect, while meat consumption is important for everyone, it also requires attention and care for those who have ailments.

Some of the important points that we should pay attention to during the Eid al-Adha:

Meat from freshly slaughtered animals is tougher and takes longer than normal to cook and even absorb. Therefore, it is recommended to rest the meat in the refrigerator for 1-2 days before consuming it and to pay close attention to the storage conditions.

Meat should be stored in small portions, in storage containers or freezer bags, in the refrigerator and rested. Since fresh meat is very prone to bacterial growth with hot air, the slaughtered meat should be put in the refrigerator as soon as possible and stored there. In this way, the risk of bacterial growth can be reduced.

It is also very important that animals are slaughtered in suitable conditions and with great attention to cleanliness. Since it is known that animals slaughtered in unhygienic slaughter centers are much more susceptible to bacterial growth, attention should be paid to hygiene and conditions during slaughter.

In order to maintain the balance during meat consumption, it should be consumed with small portions in the early meals, when digestion is faster, and with seasonal vegetables and/or salads cooked with little oil or steam and boiled; Considering that Eid al-Adha coincides with the summer season, it should be supported with plenty of water consumption. This will also aid in digestion.

Attention should also be paid to the use of salt and spices in cooking meat. The daily salt requirement of a healthy individual is 6gr, which means 1 teaspoon of salt. However, since various products, from the cheese and olives we consume for breakfast to the tomato paste used in meals, contain salt, we need to adjust the daily use accordingly.

Seasonally, our body, which is struggling with the heat, should not be loaded with excess fat, salt or spices, and we prefer grilling or boiling meat as a way of consuming meat, which will help ease digestion and eliminate the feeling of discomfort after consuming it. Since undercooked or overcooked meats will also make it difficult to digest, symptoms such as indigestion, bloating and abdominal pain can be seen after consumption. Therefore, cooking meat is also an important factor affecting digestion.

Is there a relationship between meat consumption and cancer development?

Let's answer this question, which some of our clients frequently ask, as follows. In the studies that have been put forward for years, it is stated in some sources that the risk of colon cancer, especially, increases with meat consumption. There are some similar studies for pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer. However, the level of evidence for these findings is low. The issue we will draw attention to here is that the lifestyle should be shaped wholesale, rather than just changing the food source and nutrition, it is necessary to change the lifestyle altogether, for example, sports, movement, reducing some food groups, consuming more of some food groups, regular sleep, etc. It is necessary to regulate all factors. In addition, there is no recommendation by the World Health Organization regarding the restriction or prohibition of meat consumption.

As in all matters, not going overboard, being balanced and knowing ourselves will increase our quality of life.”

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