Have YKS Preferences Started? How to Prefer YKS University?

Have YKS Preferences Started How to Prefer YKS Univetsite
Have YKS Preferences Started How to Prefer YKS University

Excitement is at its peak for those who wonder if YKS preferences have started! More than 3 million candidates who took the exam took action for their preferences on July 27, as pointed out by ÖSYM President Halis Aygün. Candidates who are preparing for the preferences are looking for answers to the questions of whether their YKS preferences have started, what time does it start and when does it end. School preferences will be made in the light of information such as points, success ranking and quota through the YKS preference guide and the YKS preference robot. So, how to choose a university with the 2022 ÖSYM YKS preference robot?

On the dates determined by the YKS 2022 preference guide, especially the last day of university preferences is curious. According to the guide published by ÖSYM, the choices start on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 (today) and end on Friday, August 5, 2022. YKS preferences, which will last for 10 days, will be taken over the ais.osym.gov.tr ​​system.

How to Prefer YKS University?

Student candidates who will benefit from the YÖK Atlas system can prepare their lists with the YKS preference robot. Students who will make their university preferences in the type of score they want will be in the OSYM AIS system within the guideline.

Again, the university base scores, success rankings and quotas published by ÖSYM together with the guide will be decisive in the preferences.

For YKS Preference Guide CLICK HERE

For YKS Base Points CLICK HERE

How Does YÖK Atlas Preference Robot Work?

The base success order of the last 4 years, the base success order in the old score type of the programs whose score type has changed, the possibility to search by city, university type, scholarship rates, education type, can be easily viewed after clicking on the link below and filling in the "Choose Score Type" field. .

In order to use the YKS preference robot, you must first click on the link below. You will be able to access detailed and fast preference robot information on the screen that appears.

If you select the detailed preference robot screen from here, you can filter by entering the success ranking and university information.

If you select the Fast YKS preference robot screen, you will be able to access the table where you can directly access the university information.

By entering the university name in the "Select University" box, you can access the list of undergraduate programs at that university. When you enter the program (profession) you are interested in in the "Choose Program" box, you can see the universities with programs with this name.

The scores of those placed in undergraduate programs, their success order, TYT/AYT nets, the high schools they came from, the regions they came from; You can reach many details such as faculty members working in the program, foreign students, Erasmus traffic and many more by clicking on the links below.

For YÖK Atlas University Preference Robot CLICK HERE

How Many Preferences Does YKS Have?

According to the ÖSYM preference guide, candidates can have a maximum of 24 rankings.

Accordingly, prospective students will have 24 lines to write their targeted departments and universities. There is no requirement to fill out the entire list.

How Will Candidates Be Placed in Higher Education Programs?

Candidates can apply to associate degree programs in Table-3 and undergraduate programs in Table-4;

a) TYT and/or SAY, SÖZ, EA, DİL placement scores,

b) Preferences regarding higher education programs,

c) They will be placed by considering the quotas and conditions of higher education programs. This guide and the rules in the 2022-YKS Guide will be valid for placement procedures.

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