Does Yogurt Help With Weight Loss?

Does Yogurt Help With Weight Loss?
Does Yogurt Help With Weight Loss?

Expert Dietitian Mazlum Tan gave information about the subject. The lactose ratio of yogurt is lower than milk. Again, the ratio of calcium, protein and dry matter is higher than milk. It contains B group vitamins, vitamin E and vitamin A as well as minerals. Yoghurt is also rich in calcium. It is also beneficial for bones and teeth. It is important for muscle functions and nerve conduction due to the potassium and magnesium it contains. Probiotics in yogurt are very useful for the digestive system and intestinal flora.

Yogurt consumed with a balanced diet without high calories can help reduce belly fat. This feature is due to its calcium content. Since it helps to improve the digestive system, it can reduce abdominal swelling. The calcium in yogurt is beneficial in the fight against osteoporosis in both men and women before and after menopause.

Yogurt, which is an ideal food for snacks, can also be a part of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Non-fat yogurt is rich in calcium and protein, so it is a good option for a weight loss program. It also helps to balance blood sugar and prevents hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia during dieting. It provides support to immune system function.

Expert Dietitian Mazlum Tan said, “Yogurt can be consumed plain, as well as with fresh fruits and cinnamon. Fruit smoothies can be made. It can be mixed with herbs and prepared as a light sauce. It can also be applied to chicken/meat wraps. It can be mixed with olive oil, garlic, and vinegar to create a salad dressing. You can consume yogurt once or twice a day," he said.

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