Average 25 Percent Increase in Taximeter Fees in Antalya

Average Percent Increase in Taximeter Fees in Antalya
Average 25 Percent Increase in Taximeter Fees in Antalya

In Antalya, taximeter fees were increased by 25 percent on average, and the opening of the taximeter was 10 TL, the kilometer fee was 12 TL, the hourly fee was 39 TL, the unit meter (100 meters) was 1.20 TL, the unit time (1 minute) was 0.65 TL and the short distance fee was 25.00 TL.

The General Assembly of the Transportation Coordination Center Presidency (UKOME), conducted by the secretariat of the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Planning and Rail System Department UKOME Branch Office, convened today. Representatives of many institutions and organizations took part in the committee. At the meeting, the problems experienced by the transportation tradesmen, the raise offers and their demands were discussed. At the end of the meeting, the decision on the raise was announced. At the meeting, after the increase in public transportation in the past days, taximeter fees were increased today.

Taximeter opening 10 TL

With the new hike, the taximeter opening has been increased to 10 TL, the kilometer fee to 12 TL, the hourly fee to 39 TL, the unit meter (100 m) to 1.20 TL, the unit time (1 minute) to 0.65 TL and the short distance fare to 25.00 TL. On the other hand, with the hike made last March, the taximeter opening is 8.00 TL, the kilometer fee is 9.00 TL, the hourly wage is 30.00 TL, the unit meter (100m) is 0.90 TL, the unit time (1 minute) is 0.50 TL, the short distance fee (hop-on-hop-off) is 20.00 TL. had been taken out.

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