Why Do Children Ask So Many Questions?

Why Kids Ask So Many Questions
Why Children Ask So Many Questions

After children start talking, they start asking questions constantly. They ask the same question over and over again without getting tired until they get the answers. But why does he ask so many questions? Children ask a lot of questions for 2 reasons. Either because they are curious or because they are anxious.

The purpose of children who ask questions out of curiosity is to acquire new information, but the purpose of anxious children is to comfort themselves.

Curious kids: These are children's questions that aim to explore and learn, such as "How do earthquakes occur?, Where did the strongest earthquake occur?, Will there be an earthquake in the seas".

Anxious children: “What if there is an earthquake? What if we fall under a dent in an earthquake? What if they can't find us in that dent? What if we never get rid of it?… are the questions of the preoccupied children who draw a picture of disaster and catch moisture from the air.

Therefore, if you have an anxious child, do not attempt to comfort your child by giving detailed answers to every question your child asks. Because the message of your effort will be: "My mother / father is trying to persuade me". Remember, if there is persuasion, there is resistance!

Every effort to comfort your child creates new questions in your child's mind, and your child can overwhelm you with endless questions.

Our suggestion to you is that you first try to control your anxiety in the face of an anxious child. Take a relaxed attitude when answering your child's questions, simply answer your child's first one or two questions without going into details, and definitely avoid explanations because remember that your child has a certain cognitive capacity.

Protect your child from developing an anxious personality by reacting as usual, even in the face of an extraordinary event.