Demirören Media Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Opened

Demiroren Media Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Emergency
Demirören Media Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Opened

The opening of Demirören Media Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, whose preparations were completed with the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education and Demirören Media to train a new generation of journalists who will contribute to the future of Turkish and world media, was held with the participation of Minister Mahmut Özer and Demirören Media Board Chairman Yıldırım Demirören.

Media Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, which is within the scope of vocational and technical Anatolian high schools implemented by the Ministry of National Education by bringing together academic education with the relevant sectors in order to raise the most equipped youth in their profession, was opened within the body of Demirören Media group.

Speaking at the opening of the media high school, Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer stated that he was very pleased with the concrete result of the cooperation protocol signed for the opening of the media high school recently and said, “Today, we are actually experiencing two firsts. First of all, as a result of our cooperation, we opened Turkey's first and only media vocational and technical high school, and for the first time in the field of vocational education center, we are opening a vocational education center with a cooperation within the sector. We also open this in the media field. Therefore, I truly believe that today is a historic day that has a very breaking point in the field of vocational education.” said.

Minister Özer said, "When you watch the promotional film, you can be a student," said Minister Özer. Whoever needs human resources is a school in which the company that needs human resources is itself a training platform in which people are trained.” made its assessment.

Reminding that vocational education went through a difficult process due to the coefficient application implemented in 1999, Minister Özer said: “The disabled who prevent vocational education graduates from accessing higher education caused their vocational education to pay incredible costs. For decades, we have witnessed a period in which the labor market's words 'I cannot find the employee I am looking for' resonate in these skies. After we abolished the coefficient application, we, as the Ministry of National Education, made great efforts to quickly recover and rehabilitate this process. The most important last step we have taken is actually the paradigm shift in vocational education… Ensuring the active participation of employers and labor market representatives in the process. In other words, why do we, as the Ministry of National Education, give vocational education graduates? We provide to meet the qualified human resource needs of the private sector. Then we cannot act without private sectoral intervention. We have to plan and program all processes together by using all the acquis together with the private sector and transfer all the acquis of this country into vocational education. With these steps we have taken, we are now updating the curriculum together with all the representatives of the sector, in all areas where we have given vocational training, we plan the skills training of the students in the business together, the labor market, on-the-job training and professional development training of vocational field and workshop teachers, which are very critical for the quality of vocational education. We plan together. Here is the high school where this is embodied in the most concrete form, the high school that we will open today.”

“We now have schools that accept students from the 1% success rate in vocational education”

Minister Özer stated that as the Ministry of National Education, he is very happy to cooperate with the strongest representatives of the sector in all fields where they provide vocational education, and said, “After the negative reflection of the coefficient application in 1999 on the perception of vocational education, the most lasting effect is on academically successful students in vocational education. was suspended from education. In other words, vocational education gradually turned into a type of school that could not settle anywhere, where students were forced to attend, and turned into schools where academically unsuccessful students were homogeneously clustered. The steps we have taken with the representatives of this sector have reversed this perception. Now we have schools that accept students from the one percent success rate in vocational education.” he said.

Pointing out that the orientation towards vocational education is increasing day by day, Özer said, “For example, students with the same score or even higher scores started to go to the vocational technical Anatolian high school that we did with ASELSAN as the students who went to Ankara Science High School. The same thing happened at Teknopark Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and ITU Vocational and Technical High School. Today, Demirören Media Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, I believe, will turn into a school where the most successful students of Turkey come, who see the media as a career, with the interest of Turkey's most successful students in the media, after the LGS exam, with students from the one percent success rate.” made its assessment.

The production capacity of vocational education institutions increased from 200 million to 1 billion 162 million liras.

Stating that they are not satisfied with this in vocational education, they also increase their production capacity in vocational education, Özer said, “We tried to increase the learning abilities of students by doing and producing. This is because learning by doing and producing not only makes learning permanent, but also increases employability when they graduate. While the production capacity of all vocational and technical Anatolian high schools was around 200 million liras, we closed the year 2021 with 1 billion 162 million liras of revenue. Now it produces vocational high schools, it can train the human resources needed by the labor market in a very high quality way.” said.

Reminding that in the period when the society needed protective materials during the Kovid-19 epidemic process, with the increasing production capacity of vocational education, Özer said, “Vocational education, increasing With its production capacity, it showed that; it does not only train the human resources that the labor market needs. At the same time, it stands by its state and nation in extraordinary conditions such as Kovid-81; It is a dark day friend. He thanked the teachers and students who worked and produced with self-sacrifice during this period.

55th R&D center was established in Demirören Medya Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Expressing that they brought together the increased production capacity in vocational education with intellectual property, Özer continued: “Intellectual property, patent, utility model, brand, design is an area that is directly related to the development and economic growth of a country. We have established 54 R&D centers within our vocational training schools. While the number of patents, utility models and brand designs within the scope of intellectual property produced by the Ministry of National Education is 2.9 annually, we are now at the end of the fifth month in 2022, we have received 7 thousand 200 registrations. Now our main concern is how can we commercialize it? In other words, how can our students develop their work in an innovative way by looking at it with an entrepreneurial sense and how can they transform it in a commercial way and add it to the country's economy as an added value. We are establishing our 55th R&D center at Demirören Media Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. I want to give the good news of this here.” shared his knowledge.

Vocational education is now talked about through success stories

Stating that vocational education is now talked about through success stories and that he is very happy to be a part of this process, Minister Özer stated that the second protocol to be signed with Demirören Media Group is about vocational training centers.

Noting that vocational training centers in Turkey receive training once a week in a school environment and four days in a real work environment, Özer said, “The employment rate of vocational training center graduates in Turkey in the field they received education is 88 percent and the rate of employment in the enterprise where they received training, that is, in the enterprise where they went for four years. and 75 percent. The employer does not want to miss the person for whom he worked for 4 years.” said.

Reminding that they made very important changes in the Vocational Education Law No. 25 on 2021 December 3308, Minister Özer stated that they see vocational training centers as an important instrument for reducing youth unemployment in Turkey and said:

“We have created an attractive mechanism for both the employer and the employee. We, as the state, took over the share paid by the employer to students, equal to thirty percent of the minimum wage, and increased the wages of journeymen from 30 percent to 50 percent at the end of the third year. In other words, one of our students, one of our young people, who are registered to the vocational training center today, receives 1.275 liras per month. It is insured by the state against work accidents and occupational diseases. When he becomes a journeyman at the end of the 3rd year, he continues to receive a wage of 2.175 liras. At the end of the 4th year, he graduates as a master and has all the personal rights of vocational education and a certificate of opening a workplace.”

Sharing the data regarding the before and after the law amendment, Özer continued as follows: “Before this law change, there were 159 thousand apprentices and journeymen in the system all over Turkey. It has been 5 months since the law change. As of today, 502 thousand apprentices and journeymen are in the system, and as our President has announced, we will bring 2022 million young people together with vocational training centers until the end of 1. In other words, we will actively use vocational training centers to reduce the youth unemployment rate.

“The costs of the coefficient application have been repaired”

Minister Mahmut Özer, who shared that the number of apprentices in vocational training centers in the 1997-1998 academic year was 249 thousand 779 before the coefficient application came into effect, said, “Vocational education was once very good. The coefficient decreased to 74 thousand after the application, and today it has increased to 502 thousand 778. In other words, I can easily say the following: In the process of February 28, 1999, the costs of applying the coefficient paid to this country were repaired. Vocational education has become much stronger than it was before the coefficient application. I would like to write this down as a note to history.” he said.

Minister Özer, who thanked Demirören family and everyone who contributed to the opening occasion, wished the school good luck.

After the speeches, Minister Özer and his wife Nebahat Özer, Demirören Media Chairman Yıldırım Demirören and other protocol members toured the school.

Vocational training center within the media high school

After the opening of the school, a cooperation protocol was signed between the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education and Demirören Media regarding the opening of a Vocational Education Center Program within the body of Demirören Media group. Anyone who is willing in the field of media, at least a secondary school graduate, will be able to enroll in the program to be implemented within the body of Demirören Media Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School.

What opportunities will students studying at a media high school benefit from?

Demirören Medya Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School will accept its first students after the central exam within the scope of the high school transition system to be implemented on 5 June. At Turkey's first media high school, students will receive training from well-known professional names in the media industry that will shape today's and future media.

In the high school, which will be opened with two departments, Journalism and Radio-Television, students will be able to benefit from print, digital media, television, podcast, social media. YouTubeWorld-class contemporary education will be provided with a comprehensive curriculum. With this school, it is aimed to train people who are competent in the sector for the media of the future.

Students who will choose the school from outside of Istanbul will be offered dormitories, while the meals and services of the school students will be covered by Demirören Medya. While the technical facilities required for media education are provided free of charge within the school, students will also be able to benefit from Demirören Media's facilities such as studios and attend special workshops.