Rapid Increase in Trade Between China and Belt and Road Countries

Rapid Increase in Trade Between China and Belt and Road Countries
Rapid Increase in Trade Between China and Belt and Road Countries

General Administration of Customs of China SözcüIn the first quarter of this year, trade between China and the Belt and Road route countries increased by 16,7 percent, reaching 2 trillion 930 billion yuan (US$ 460 billion), said Li Kuiwen.

China's exports to these countries grew by 16,2 percent and imports from these countries by 17,4 percent.

Trade between China and the Belt and Road countries has a larger share in China's foreign trade every year.

The trade volume between China and the said countries constituted 31,1 percent of China's total foreign trade, increasing by 1,4 points compared to the same period of the previous year. Particularly, there is a rapid increase in the imports of energy and agricultural products.

Crude oil, natural gas and coal imported by China from these countries increased by 52,2 percent. Imports of agricultural products from these countries grew by 12,2 percent. In addition, exports of mechanical and electronic products of Chinese origin to these countries increased by 14,2 percent, while Chinese private companies performed well in terms of exports to these countries.